栏目广告位一 |
An investment conference nicknamed Davos in the Desert is underway in Saudi Arabia.一个绰号为“沙漠中的达沃斯论坛”的投资会议正在沙特阿拉伯举行。Top executives from some of the wor
NPR News2022-11-24马斯克结束收购推特后开始清理门户
[00:00.00]Elon Musk says he doesn't want Twitter to become a free-for-all hellscape, which I suppose is a good starting point.埃隆·马斯克表示,他不希望推特成为一个不加管制的地狱
NPR News2022-11-24佩洛西丈夫家中遇袭--美议员安全担忧加剧
Lawmakers and election officials are facing threats after the attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi, in their San Francisco home.国会议员和选举官员面临着威胁,此前,南希·
NPR News2022-11-24“Twitter”的马斯克时代起步并不顺利
Twitter has started advertising a new monthly subscription that includes a blue check mark, which is the symbol that indicates the platform has verified a user's identity.推特
NPR News2022-11-24美中期选举前夕--拜登、奥巴马与特朗普齐上阵
The next two days of campaigning can shape the next two years of the Biden administration.接下来两天的竞选活动可能会决定拜登政府未来两年的格局。If Republicans win either chamber of
NPR News2022-11-24拜登学生贷款减免项目受阻
President Biden's plan to cancel some or all federal debt for students - for 40 million borrowers, actually, this plan ran into a wall late yesterday. 拜登总统取消学生部分或全
NPR News2022-11-24美国参议院多数党领袖舒默呼吁两党合作
After Democrats clinched control of the Senate, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer pleaded for both parties to work together.在民主党获得参议院控制权后,多数党领袖查克·舒默呼吁两党合作。
NPR News2022-11-24美国LGBTQ夜店大规模枪击案--或系仇恨犯罪
We are learning more about the shooting over the weekend that killed five people at an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs.我们了解到,上周末,科罗拉多州斯普林斯市一家LGBTQ(同性恋、双
NPR News2022-11-24拜登中期选举大谈堕胎权 民众买账吗?
President Biden is scheduled to make what the White House is billing as a major speech later today about abortion rights.拜登总统计划在今天晚些时候发表白宫所宣传的关于堕胎权的重要
NPR News2022-10-24-
Mexico is trying to come to terms with a data leak of more than 4 million documents from inside the military that has exposed some of the country's closest kept secrets.墨西哥
NPR News2022-10-24 朝鲜进行导弹试验,模拟用核武器打击敌人
North Korea is telling a story about its recent missile tests.朝鲜正在讲述其最近的导弹试验的故事。It has conducted seven rounds of tests in the past couple of weeks, and the govern
NPR News2022-10-14基辅突遭俄罗斯导弹袭击
Russian missiles have hit multiple Ukrainian cities, including the capital, Kyiv.俄罗斯导弹袭击了乌克兰多个城市,包括首都基辅。The Russian strikes come after multiple Russian setback
NPR News2022-10-12“誓约守护者”领袖因策划国会叛乱而被审判
In the final days of 2020, weeks after Donald Trump lost his reelection bid, a man named Stewart Rhodes urged the defeated president to declare martial law.2020年最后几天,在唐纳德·
NPR News2022-10-10NASA撞击小行星任务
NASA is going to try something it has never done before.美国国家航空航天局(NASA )将尝试一件以前从未做过的事情。It's going to attempt to move an asteroid. NASA将试图移动一颗小行星
NPR News2022-10-10意大利或将迎来二战后首位极右翼总理
Big changes in Italy. Italians have voted in what will be their first far-right government since World War II.意大利发生了巨大变化。意大利人投票选出自二战以来的首个极右翼政府。Yeah
NPR News2022-10-10朝鲜发射导弹飞越日本上空,岸田首相称无法容忍
As if we didn't have enough anxiety, North Korea today fired a ballistic missile that flew over Japan.好像我们还不够焦虑似的,朝鲜今天发射了一枚飞越日本上空的弹道导弹。It's t
NPR News2022-10-10飓风 “菲奥娜” 登陆美国海外属地 洪水冲跑一座桥
Now to Puerto Rico, which was thrashed by Hurricane Fiona over the past few hours. 现在来关注波多黎各,在过去的几个小时里,飓风“菲奥娜”重创了波多黎各。The Category 1 storm has caused
NPR News2022-09-23英女王举行葬礼,拜登、马克龙等外国政要出席活动
Just a short distance from where I am now at Buckingham Palace, hundreds of dignitaries have started to make their way inside Westminster Abbey for the funeral of Britain's Que
NPR News2022-09-22受够了药企开出的天价 加州要自行制造胰岛素
When it comes to out-of-control prescription drug prices, insulin is the poster child.当谈到失控的处方药价格时,胰岛素是一个典型的例子。Leading manufacturers have increased prices by
NPR News2022-09-16乌克兰欢呼“夺回领土” 俄军解释“重组部队”
Ukraine's military had a very good weekend.乌克兰军方度过了一个非常愉快的周末。Ukrainian forces reclaimed a lot of territory in the country's northeast. 乌克兰军队收复了该
NPR News2022-09-15美国就业市场向好,但通货膨胀仍在继续
As Americans get ready to mark a holiday honoring workers in the labor movement, we are about to get an update on the health of the U.S. labor market.当美国人准备纪念一个节日--向劳
NPR News2022-09-08拜登公开批评特朗普和MAGA是民主威胁
President Biden made a rare prime-time speech Thursday night at the place where American democracy was born - in Philadelphia.拜登总统周四晚上在美国民主诞生地费城发表了罕见的黄金时
NPR News2022-09-07特朗普支持者袭击联邦调查局
Federal authorities are warning of further threats to law enforcement.联邦当局警告说,执法部门面临进一步的威胁。This warning is no surprise after a week of armed protests and one act
NPR News2022-09-02美国初选即将结束--其结果会影响即将到来的中期选举吗?
A special election for the House may give us clues to what's coming this fall.众议院的特别选举可能会给我们一些线索,让我们知道今年秋天会发生什么。You may know the closely divided
NPR News2022-09-02巴基斯坦警方对前总理伊姆兰·汗提出恐怖主义指控
Authorities in Pakistan have filed terrorism charges against a former prime minister.巴基斯坦当局对前总理提出恐怖主义指控。The Prime Minister is Imran Khan. 这位总理是伊姆兰·汗。H
NPR News2022-09-02
栏目广告位二 |