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News Plus慢速英语听力
News Plus慢速英语:公安部严打涉黄涉赌犯罪 涉野生动物犯罪激增
You are listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-12-10
Chinese police will start a crackdown on gambling and prostitution, focusing on gangs that offerNews Plus慢速英语:IMF宣布人民币纳入SDR货币篮子 我国提前半年完成十二五减排目标
This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing. Here is the news.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-12-10
The International Monetary Fund has announced that the Chinese currency, the Renminbi, is e-
News Plus慢速英语:007幽灵党中国票房超前作 11个城市成立长江流域非遗文化保护联盟
You're listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-12-08
The new James Bond film "Spectre" starring Daniel Craig, surpassed ticket sales of the last i -
News Plus慢速英语:罗纳尔多将在中国开足球学校 村民委托律师团赴荷兰起诉追索肉身坐佛
Now the news continues.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-12-08
Once holder of the record for most goals scored in World Cup finals, Brazilian soccer legend Ronaldo Nazario has revealed his plans for a football school i -
News Plus慢速英语:西藏是世界最洁净地区之一 文化部推动游戏游艺行业转型升级
This is NEWS Plus Special English.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-12-04
Data revealed by a global research endeavor has shown that the Tibetan plateau remains one of the world's cleanest regions despite pollutant News Plus慢速英语:公安部商讨解决1300万黑户问题 我国将统一城乡义务教育
This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing. Here is the news.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-12-02
China is considering extending the hukou, or household registration, to 13 million unregist-
News Plus慢速英语:江苏一农妇为治病种罂粟2200棵获刑 盗墓贼偷走公墓骨灰盒敲诈
Now the news continues.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-12-02
A local court in east China's Jiangsu Province has sentenced a woman to two years in prison for growing thousands of poppy plants.
The woman, only ide News Plus慢速英语:全面两孩或让精子库更缺货 缺乏睡眠增糖尿病风险
Now the news continues.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-11-30
China's sperm banks are already facing a shortage of donors, and the government proposal to end the country's decades-old family planning policy maNews Plus慢速英语:我国将培育互联网+卫星应用新业态 在线医疗市场有望突破170亿元
This is NEWS Plus Special English.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-11-26
China will step up satellite application and its integration with emerging Internet industries to promote economic development.
China has built-
News Plus慢速英语:快递条例将出台 扔踩踏泄露信息等将被重罚
This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Liu Yan in Beijing. Here is the news.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-11-26
Experts say China's major cities should reach their targets in reducing major air pollutants by 2017 -
News Plus慢速英语:南昌西汉墓出土青铜火锅 哈瓦那俱乐部朗姆酒进军中国市场
This is NEWS Plus Special English.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-11-24
The discovery of a bronze pot containing chestnuts, unearthed in a 2,000-year-old tomb, may further prove the popularity of China's hotpot c News Plus慢速英语:功夫熊猫3定档明年1月29日 山西悬空寺启动修缮措施
Now the news continues.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-11-24
The third installment of the "Kung Fu Panda" franchise will hit cinema screens in China and the United States on Jan. 29, next year.
"Kung Fu Panda 3" hasNews Plus慢速英语:专家解码大熊猫13种叫声 昭通发现最早中华乳齿象头骨化石
This is NEWS Plus Special English.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-11-20
Chinese amphibians now have DNA barcodes since the website "Amphibian China" went online.
The website has been developed by the Kunming InstituNews Plus慢速英语:调查称6-12岁儿童中每千人有4人患孤独症 神农架发现多种生物新种
This is NEWS Plus Special English.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-11-20
Four in every 1,000 Chinese children aged 6 to 12 have autism, an incidence that experts say is higher than expected.
The figure has been uncov-
News Plus慢速英语:中国或将成为新能源全球领导者 外国专家谈中国二胎政策
This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing. Here is the news.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-11-18
China is set to become the global leader in renewable technology, aiding the rise of a mode News Plus慢速英语:中国步行机器人创吉尼斯纪录 天大研发微生物燃料电池获国际金奖
This is NEWS Plus Special English.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-11-18
A quadruped robot in the southwestern municipality of Chongqing has been recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records.
The robot was develope-
News Plus慢速英语:中国简化外籍人才签证申请程序 刘慈欣在悉尼大学举办讲座
This is NEWS Plus Special English.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-11-16
A simplified procedure for short visits by foreign employees to China has taken effect.
The regulation allows local bureaus of the State Admini News Plus慢速英语:中国将逐步普及高中阶段教育 推进养老社保改革
You're listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-11-16
China is gradually providing free senior high school education to more poor students.
The viNews Plus慢速英语:十三五规划以创新为核心 中国学生两次国际考试成绩被取消
You're listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-11-12
Innovation will be put at the core position for China's development in the five years from 2016. TNews Plus慢速英语:国产客机C919下线 外媒热议中国二胎政策
This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing. Here is the news.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-11-12
China has made aviation history with its first domestically-produced large passenger aircraNews Plus慢速英语:极危物种普氏原羚恢复至1200只 长沙理工艺术团在阿尔巴尼亚成功演出
This is NEWS Plus Special English.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-11-11
The population of endangered Przewalski's gazelle has recovered to more than 1,200 after 20 years of protection.
In the mid-1990s, the gaze-
News Plus慢速英语:北京单独二孩申请人数突破5万 首届全国双创周北京签约金额超20亿元
Now the news continues.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-11-10
More than 53,000 couples in Beijing have applied for a second child since the city loosened its birth control policy early last year.
By the end of Septem News Plus慢速英语:第四届世界佛教论坛在无锡举行 全球二氧化碳监测卫星计划于2016年发射
You are listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-11-10
Buddhists around the world have been called upon to develop and coordinate ecological protectionNews Plus慢速英语:中国留学生专业选择商科降温 2016年国家公务员招考报名人数减少
You are listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-11-05
Fewer Chinese students who are going overseas to study are choosing to major in business.
Last yea-
News Plus慢速英语:全球青蒿素市场被外企主导 牛津大学校长在北京谈教育
This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing. Here is the news.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-11-05
The anti-malarial compound Artemisinin, discovery of which won Dr. Tu Youyou China's fi
栏目广告位二 |