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News Plus慢速英语听力
News Plus慢速英语:数量过多澳洲暗杀近700只考拉 孔府菜将申世界文化遗产
You are listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-11-04
Australia has begun the largest cull and relocation of koalas in an attempt to save the species fro-
News Plus慢速英语:英国研究表明久坐与死亡风险无关 新疆发现罕见棺中棺石棺墓
Now the news continues.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-11-03
British scientists have found that sitting for long periods is not associated with an increased risk of dying.
According to a study released recently by t News Plus慢速英语:埃博拉疫苗生产基地将在天津启建 全国游泳馆水质76%抽查合格
This is NEWS Plus Special English.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-11-03
A private Chinese biotechnology company plans to mass produce a vaccine against the Ebola virus. The vaccine was developed by Chinese military sNews Plus慢速英语:京津冀地区将打造城际线路网 韩美林获联合国教科文组织和平艺术家称号
You are listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-10-30
Some two dozen new intercity rail lines will be built by the end of 2030, to boost more coordinaNews Plus慢速英语:我国数百种有效廉价药现短缺 北京高校加强马克思主义理论学科建设
This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing. Here is the news.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-10-29
Chinese hospitals have reported shortages of some cheap but essential medicines, due to all-
News Plus慢速英语:男子驾车时找手机误踩油门冲进西湖 中英联手在剑桥打造数字昆曲博物馆
This is NEWS Plus Special English.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-10-29
A 24-year-old man in Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang province, drove his car into the West Lake after accidentally stepping on the accelerator News Plus慢速英语:敦煌莫高窟年接待游客首破百万人次 中关村大街转型为双创街区
Now the news continues.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-10-28
The Mogao Grottoes, a world heritage site in northwest China's Gansu province, have handled a record one million visitors so far this year.
BolsteredNews Plus慢速英语:科技界座谈会祝贺屠呦呦获诺贝尔医学奖 全国在册严重精神障碍患者近430万
You're listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-10-27
Chinese scientist Tu Youyou's Nobel Prize in medicine has ignited an intense sense of national priNews Plus慢速英语:全国政协双周会讨论转基因问题 青岛天价虾事件引关注
You're listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-10-27
Senior political advisors have discussed genetically modified crops at a bi-weekly consultation ses-
News Plus慢速英语:中国象牙皇后杨凤兰在坦桑尼亚被起诉 上海发放滴滴快的首张专车牌照
This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing. Here is the news.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-10-22
A Chinese woman who's become known as the Queen of Ivory has been charged with smuggling ivor -
News Plus慢速英语:狼图腾确定代表内地角逐奥斯卡 山河故人无缘
This is NEWS Plus Special English.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-10-20
China may submit the movie "Wolf Totem", a co-production between China and France, as its 2016 Academy Awards best foreign language film entry. -
News Plus慢速英语:中国驻外大使馆提醒游客文明旅游 上海拟出新条例封杀吸毒明星三年
This is NEWS Plus Special English.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-10-20
Chinese tourists have been reminded by overseas embassies to behave well and respect local laws and customs as the National Day holiday approach -
News Plus慢速英语:罕见昆虫化石展在成都开幕 内蒙古发掘出辽代千年贵族古墓
Now the news continues.
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-10-19
An exhibition of rare insect fossils has opened in Chengdu City in southwest China's Sichuan Province.
The one-month exhibition, held by the Insect Mu -
News Plus慢速英语:天津港爆炸事故赔偿工作启动 海峡两岸儒学学者同获孔子文化奖
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-10-16 -
News Plus慢速英语:我国首颗3D打印卫星浦江一号成功发射
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-10-16 -
News Plus慢速英语:北京环球主题公园2019年开园 上海现豪华宠物葬礼
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-10-13 -
News Plus慢速英语:过去40年全球海洋动物数量减半 全球首例头部移植手术将在2017年12月进行
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-10-13 -
News Plus慢速英语:保加利亚首家孔子课堂揭牌 进口月饼不能随便买
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-10-10 -
News Plus慢速英语:南华大学抓阄分专业引争议 最新QS世界大学排名公布
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-10-10 -
News Plus慢速英语:中国科协谈外刊撤回中国论文事件 中国绿卡将进一步扩大签发对象
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-10-08 -
News Plus慢速英语:内地访港游客大减 上半年全国主要污染物排放量大幅下降
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-09-30 -
News Plus慢速英语:京津冀联手保护长城 四川大熊猫偷吃10多箱蜂蜜
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-09-29 -
News Plus慢速英语:李源潮与科普科幻创作者代表座谈 十二五以来国家为医药卫生领域投入近300亿元
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-09-29 -
News Plus慢速英语:中国将成为首个到达月球背面的国家 五味子中发现抗艾滋病毒成分
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-09-25 -
News Plus慢速英语:城市黑臭水体治理大幕开启 2016年起凉山州实施十五年免费教育
News Plus慢速英语听力2015-09-25
栏目广告位二 |