
经济学人下载:IBM vs 卡耐基基金会


After Carnegie’s death in 1919 the foundation continued his strategy. It seeded or supported a broad range of strong private institutions, many of which carry his name. Institutions that benefited from his money range from the Carnegie Institute of Technology (now part of Carnegie-Mellon university) and the Brookings Institution to the National Academy of Sciences and the pension fund for university teachers now known as TIAA-Cref. The foundation and sister organisations commissioned research that would help shape entire professions. The Flexner Report of 1910 led to the overhaul of medical education, inspiring similar efforts focused on the law and on teaching.

1919年卡耐基去世后,基金会继续执行他的策略。它培养支持了很多强大的私人组织,它们中的很多都带有卡耐基的名字。因他的资金受益的组织既有卡耐基科技学院(现在是卡内基梅隆大学的一部分)和布鲁克林学院,也有国家科学院以及为大学教师设立的养老基金,现在叫做美国教师退休基金(TIAA-Cref)。该基金会及其兄弟组织赞助研究帮助塑造整个行业。1910年的弗莱克斯纳报告(Flexner Report)报告引领了医学教育的全面改革,启迪了在法律和教学上做出类似的努力。

The Carnegie Corporation also paid for two reports that fundamentally changed America’s conception of itself. The first, in 1944, was “An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy”, by Gunnar Myrdal, a Swedish economist. It showed that African-Americans were being held back by widespread and institutionalised white racism. The second, published in 1959, was “The American High School Today”, by James Conant. It played a big part in establishing the idea that large schools are the best way to give students a comprehensive education. John Gardner, president of the Carnegie Corporation from 1955, was also important in developing the Elementary and Secondary Education act of 1965, which provided the first large slug of federal funding for public schools. Carnegie money also financed the discovery of insulin, sparing millions of people with diabetes from an early death.

卡耐基基金会也支付了两个从根本上改变美国对自己定位的报告。第一个是1944年瑞典经济学家纲纳??缪达尔(Gunnar Myrdal)的报告《进退维谷的美国:黑人问题和现代民主》。它证明非洲裔美国人被普遍的、制度化的白人种族主义所压制。第二个是发表于1959年的《当今美国高中》。它在确立大型学校是给予学生全面教育的最好方式之一这一思想方面起到重要作用。从1955年起担任卡耐基基金会总裁的约翰??加德纳(John Gardner)也在1965年的有关发展基础和中级教育法案方面起到重要作用,该法案为公立学校提供了第一大笔联邦基金。卡耐基基金会也资助了胰岛素的发明,使得上百万患有糖尿病的人摆脱了早逝的命运。

Even Carnegie’s failures say something about the scope of his ambition. The philanthropist built a Peace Palace in The Hague, and funded the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. That he could not prevent the first world war plunged the septuagenarian steel tycoon into a depression. Still, whether or not the Carnegie Corporation really kept socialism out of America, it is easy to imagine that by the middle of the 20th century, the country would have been a different—and probably worse—place without it.
