


Horrible Bosses


Truth is nicer than fiction


A horrible film is generating a lame debate


Jul 30th 2011 | from the print edition

HORRIBLE bosses come in many flavours. There are psychopaths, bullies and prats. Incompetent bosses are irksome, too. The bosses at New Line Cinema are not incompetent, in that their films make money, but they are still villains. For “Horrible Bosses”, their latest offering, is a crime against art and common sense. The viewer is expected to believe that being propositioned by Jennifer Aniston is so traumatic that it would drive a man to plot her murder. Kevin Spacey (pictured) plays a more convincing psychoboss. But his talents are wasted on a lame script.


To make matters worse, the film has inspired a torrent of management drivel. OfficeTeam, a recruiter, warns of “Horrible Boss Syndrome”, which “can have serious implications” for morale. An American survey finds that 46% of employees have worked for an unreasonable boss at some point. Nell Minow, a critic, says the film reflects “the bitterness of the post-meltdown era”.

而更糟糕的是,这部影片激起了一阵狂潮,矛头直指管理层。一位招聘人员OfficeTeam提醒人们要警惕“恶老板综合症”对员工士气造成的严重影响。美国的一项调查发现,46%的雇员都曾在职业生涯中遇到过不近乎人情的老板。批评家Nell Minow表示,该影片反映了“后衰退时代的痛苦”。