

One who is trying to do so is Rene Bernards of the Netherlands Cancer Institute. On September 18th he told a meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, held in San Francisco, about a way that the sensitivity of tumour cells to Xalkori might be restored. More important than that, though, is the way he discovered the solution—for this could be applied to many other cases in which an anti-cancer drug is having its useful life curtailed by the development of resistance.


One of the problems with cancer is that the mutations which cause it are often hidden in a plethora of others that have no direct bearing on the disease. Normal DNA sequencing cannot distinguish which mutations are important and which are not. Dr Bernards, however, thinks he can, by using molecules called short hairpin RNAs.


On the pin money

RNA is a molecule similar to DNA, except that its molecules are usually much smaller. One of its jobs is to act as a messenger carrying genetic information from a cell’s nucleus to the machinery which makes proteins. Each messenger is an edited copy of one strand of the DNA double helix. Double-stranded RNA does exist, but mostly in viruses. Mammalian cells make only the single-stranded variety. If a cell’s defence mechanisms detect double-stranded RNA they destroy it, to protect against infection.


This aversity to double-stranded RNA means short hairpins can be used to knock out the messengers, thus nullifying the signal from the underlying gene. It is just a question of making a hairpin with an appropriate genetic sequence—one that is the same as the missing strand of the original DNA—so that the hairpin will combine eagerly with the messenger to form a double-stranded molecule. Modern gene-synthesis techniques mean this is not hard to do. Dr Bernards therefore did it with the messengers of 20,000 genes, to see which, if any, are implicated in the development of resistance to Xalkori.
