
经济学人下载:电力供应 盈利性的中断


Electricity supply

Profitable interruptions

Collecting and trading spare electricity is a thriving industry

SPIKES in demand for power and unexpected dips in supply have plagued electricity generators and their customers for decades. The solutions have been crude. More than a decade ago North American power companies started paying big consumers to switch off machines and devices to ease the load on creaking grids. In 2003 French producers did the same to cope with a heatwave.

经济学人下载:电力供应 盈利性的中断

In some ways the problem has worsened. The rise in the use of renewable power, especially in Europe, has led to surges of supply on sunny and windy days and uNPRedictable lulls in conditions of cloud and calm. But that is a big opportunity for “demand-response” companies, which use computing power and clever algorithms to divert electricity from some consumers, such as factories or greenhouses, to users who need it more.

Pioneered by technology firms rather than power producers, demand response is strongest in North America, but it is spreading fast. In a control room in London's fashionable Soho district, Ziko Abram of Kiwi Power shows off a “virtual” power plant with a capacity of more than 100 megawatts. Kiwi pays users for agreeing to switch off cooling and heating, pumps and other equipment when asked. A switch installed on a user's premises might be programmed to cut off power to freezers, for example, when they are cold enough. In other cases, Kiwi negotiates the cutoff with the consumer. It sells the spare capacity thus created to the National Grid.
技术型企业似乎比电力生产商更加倡导这样的模式,虽然“需求响应”在美国做的是最强的,但它传播的非常的迅速。在现今时髦的伦敦Soho区的一个控制室内,Kiwi Power的Ziko Abram展示了一个容量超过100万瓦特“虚拟的”电厂。Kiwi会因为在必要的时候客户同意切断冷气、暖气、泵以及其他的设备赔付客户。将一个开关安装在住户之处使得切断冰柜的功率成为可能的程序,例如当冷气已经足够的时候。在其他的情况下,Kiwi会就断电一事与客户协商。它出售了闲置的生产设备从而来来建立国家电网。

Along with competitors such as Flexitricity, Kiwi also buys the right to use standby diesel generators in hospitals, government buildings and elsewhere. Rather than waste fuel by testing these machines every week, these institutions let Kiwi's technology switch them on when the grid requires. In power-poor South Africa an American firm, Comverge, has created a market in which companies can sell the electricity they choose not to consume.

Such services cope with spikes in consumption, which are mostly foreseeable. Fluctuations in wind and cloud can cause gluts or shortages within minutes. The conventional way to offset this is through gas, hydro or modern coal-fuelled power stations, which can be switched on or off quickly. But getting consumers to change their habits a little is potentially much cheaper.

The prospects in Europe have brought a flurry of acquisitions. The world's biggest demand-response firm, Enernoc, a publicly traded American company, has bought a dozen foreign providers since 2005. Nearly 20% of its 383m revenues come from abroad. In February it bought Entelios, the biggest German company, with 600MW of capacity, and Activation Energy, the leading Irish firm.

The industry has plenty of room to grow. In America it accounts for more than 20 gigawatts, or 2% of the total installed capacity, according to Colin McKerracher, an analyst at Bloomberg New Energy Finance. It is concentrated in the north-east of the country. In the European Union, a much larger energy market, capacity is only 5.4GW, but BNEF forecasts it will grow to 15.3GW by 2020. Pulse Energy, a Canadian firm, expects to double its customer base to 2m by Christmas.
按照Colin McKerracher,这位彭博新能源财经分析师的看法,这位这个行业有很的的发展空间,在美国它约占两千亿瓦特或者说总装机容量百分之二的比例。集中于国家的东北地区。在欧盟,这个更大的能源市场,其容量只有54亿瓦特。但是BNEF预测其会在2020年的时候增长至153亿瓦特。Pulse Energy,一家加拿大企业,希望到圣诞节的时候他们的客户群能够扩大一倍,达到二百万之多。

Demand response still faces scepticism. People who run and regulate the network like power stations they can see, not virtual ones. “Is that really the sort of country we want to be—where you just cut the power off when supply gets tight?” asks an executive at one of Britain's “big six” energy providers. David Brewster of Enernoc says changing “100 years of policy and mindset” is a “slow grind”.
“需求响应”也同样面临着质疑。那些经营或者管理网络的的人希望发电站是可以看得见摸得着的而不是虚拟的。“这确实是我们想要成为的那一类型吗—仅仅是在供应紧张之时切断电源吗?”一个英国品牌“big six”的电量供应商的高级行政人员质疑道。Enernoc的David Brewster认为改变“100年的政策和方向”是一个“缓慢的折磨”。

Some parts of America already have well developed markets in capacity, where demand-response providers can bid alongside conventional power producers for supply contracts, typically three years in advance. Their cost advantage makes them increasingly competitive,

Such markets are starting in Europe, too, but rules are still being written. Providers worry that regulators will tilt them in favour of conventional producers on such issues as response time and how much aggregation will be allowed.

To be credible, demand response must be reliable. Grid managers want to know the power will be there when needed. That may favour the bigger demand-response companies—and the utilities, which could dominate the industry if they chose to enter it. Upstarts claim they have smarter algorithms. They say they are creating prime electricity out of subprime portfolios. That analogy will reassure neither customers nor rulemakers.