




Watchful waiting

Experts predict that covid-19 will spread more widely; the world is getting ready

“There are so many crises in Congo.” Gervais Folefack, who coordinates the emergency programmes run by the World Health Organisation (who) in the Democratic Republic of Congo, has mastered the art of the understatement. The country has been shattered by war and corruption. “All the time we are responding to crises,” says Dr Folefack. He lists the most recent: Ebola, measles, cholera. To them, he may well have to add covid-19, a respiratory disease that originated in China. Those who would need to respond to a surge in covid-19 cases are already busy with the Ebola outbreak that began in 2018. “We are trying to prepare,” continues Dr Folefack, but there is simply not enough time.

So far 99% of confirmed cases of the new coronavirus have been in China. Of the 1,000-odd cases outside mainland China, more than half have been on the Diamond Princess, a cruise ship docked in Japan; the rest are scattered among 27 countries, mostly in Asia. Covid-19 has spread rapidly in China despite the government locking down entire cities for weeks. China’s efforts, along with the travel restrictions that many countries have imposed on its citizens, have slowed the virus’s progress. But many experts fear that it will inevitably become a pandemic. Health authorities are frantically trying to prepare.