


Dr Hick says the biggest challenge if the disease starts to circulate widely in Minneapolis will be staffing. With no vaccine to protect them, many doctors and nurses will be infected. Others will need to stay at home to look after their children because schools may be closed. In its disaster planning, the hospital where Dr Hick works considered offering child care on-site for its staff. But he admits that people may be reluctant to bring their offspring to a hospital during an epidemic.

Hospitals will encourage people who do not seem to be seriously ill to stay away, as they do during the peak of seasonal flu. In part, that is to prevent them from straining the capacity of hospitals that are already overwhelmed. Doctors have no treatment to offer those with mild symptoms but in a hospital they can infect other patients or medics. Such people will be advised to isolate themselves at home. Others with mild symptoms may in fact have a different bug—but if they flock to hospitals, they may contract covid-19 for real.

Hospitals in both rich and poor countries are worried that in the event of an epidemic they will quickly run out of masks, gowns and gloves. Guidelines by the ECDC say that 24 disposable sets per day may be needed for a covid-19 patient in an intensive-care unit. The WHO says that a global shortage is already occurring, with a 20-fold rise in prices for some types of equipment. Surging demand in Asia, stockpiling by hospitals and disrupted production in China have all contributed to shortages of surgical masks.
富国和穷国的医院都担心一旦疫情爆发,口罩、隔离衣和手套将很快用完。根据ecdc的指导方针,在重症监护病房的cod -19患者每天可能需要24套一次性用品。世界卫生组织表示,全球性短缺已经出现,一些设备的价格上涨了20倍。亚洲需求飙升、医院囤积以及中国生产中断都医用口罩短缺的原因。

Some hospitals are trying to conserve supplies. Dr van Mansfeld says that nurses in her hospital in Amsterdam are being reminded not to use the high-protection respirator masks if they are caring for patients for whom the guidelines say ordinary surgical masks suffice. At some point, says Dr Hick, medics may have to start reusing respirator masks judiciously. Instead of throwing them away after each patient, they could remove them, handling them particularly carefully so that any germs on the outer surfaces are not transferred to their mouths or noses, and re-use them.