
经济学人下载:一周要闻 世行预测2021年中国经济增长7.9%


The World Bank estimated that the world economy will grow by 4% in 2021. It thinks China’s gdp will expand by 7.9% and America’s and the euro area’s by around 3.5%. The good news was tempered by the fact that by 2022, global gdp is still expected to be 4.4% below pre-pandemic projections. The report stressed that COVID-19 vaccination programmes, including in poorer countries, are essential for the health of the global economy. 


Announced three years ago to much fanfare about being a transformative moment for the health-care industry, Amazon, JPMorgan Chase and Berkshire Hathaway quietly shelved Haven, a joint venture they set up to lower staff health-care costs. Haven promised to pool technological solutions to provide cheaper insurance, but each company will now work on its own in-house projects instead. 

三年前,亚马逊(Amazon)、摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)和伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)高调宣布,这将是医疗保健行业的一个变革时刻,但它们却悄无声地搁置了为降低员工医疗保健成本而成立的合资企业Haven。Haven承诺汇集技术解决方案,以提供更便宜的保险,但现在各家公司都致力于开展自身内部的项目。

Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and Groupe psa, the owner of Peugeot, sealed their merger, more than a year after it was announced. The new company is called Stellantis and will list its shares in Milan, Paris and New York. Like its rivals, Fiat Chrysler recorded an acceleration of sales in America in the final months of 2020, which will be a bright spot in the forthcoming dismal annual earnings from carmakers. 

菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车公司和标致(Peugeot)的所有者标致雪铁龙集团在宣布合并一年多后,最终完成了合并。新公司名为Stellantis,将在米兰、巴黎和纽约上市。和其竞争对手一样,菲亚特克莱斯勒在2020年的最后几个月在美国的销量也在加速增长,这将是即将到来的汽车制造商惨淡的年度收益中的一个亮点。Tesla also delivered more cars than had been expected towards the end of the year. It fell just shy of its half-million target for all of 2020, which is still up by a third on 2019. 


British Airways obtained a 2bn pounds ($2.7bn) loan underwritten by banks and backed by the British government’s export credit agency. Until it pays back the loan ba will not be allowed to pay dividends to International Airlines Group, its parent company. 

英国航空公司获得了20亿英镑(27亿美元)的贷款,由银行承保并得到英国政府的出口信贷机构的支持。在偿还贷款之前,英航将不能向其母公司国际航空集团(International Airlines Group)支付股息。

Just when passengers need them most, emotional-support animals are to be banned on American Airlines, the first big carrier to follow a ruling that says the animals can be treated as pets and barred from the cabin (dogs for disabled people are an exception). Airlines are contending with a rising number of requests from customers to travel with their animals, which have included pigs, turtles, squirrels and peacocks. One former Google employee took her bunny in business class to Tokyo. 

在乘客最需要情感支持时,美国航空公司(American Airlines)将禁止乘客携带宠物登机。美国航空公司是第一家遵循一项规定的大型航空公司,该规定称动物一律被视为宠物对待,并禁止其进入机舱(残疾人士的犬类除外)。航空公司正面临越来越多的乘客要求携带宠物出行的问题,这些动物包括猪、乌龟、松鼠和孔雀。谷歌的一名前员工曾携带兔子乘坐商务舱前往东京。

Rust never sleeps 


Neil Young became the latest rock superstar to make a mint from selling the rights to his songs. Hipgnosis, a music-investment company, paid a reported $150m for a 50% stake in the Young catalogue. 
