


Ms Whitehorn, meanwhile, dealt with the eternal worries of women that they were not elegant or organised enough. Her most famous column, in 1963, defended all slatterns who had ever safety-pinned a hem, changed their stockings in a taxi, or seized some item back from the dirty-clothes basket “because it had become, relatively, the cleaner thing”. 


She implied she was a slattern too, though Roedean, Cambridge, her dress sense and her darkly posh voice rather gave the lie to that. But at devil-may-care-ness she did well. 


In “How to Survive Children” (she had two, chaotically balanced with work), she advised that bath-time went better after a glass of gin. As for housewifery, “no book of household management can ever tell you...how to begin. Or maybe I mean why.” 

在《女人如何养孩子》(How to Survive Children)一书中(她有两个孩子,在工作和育儿中的混乱地平衡着),她建议,喝一杯杜松子酒后洗澡会更舒适。至于家庭主妇,“没有一本家庭管理书籍能告诉你……如何开始。也许我的意思是为什么开始。”

Both columnists continued to a great age, thriving on long and generally happy marriages. Wisdom seemed to gather around them until both were national treasures. Their essential optimism was tempered: Dr Watsa’s by the beatings, abuse and unhappily arranged marriages he was told of, and could do nothing about; Ms Whitehorn’s by the feeling that sex had come to tyrannise relationships. 


But the numbers of people they had braced with confidence were legion, and occasionally their advice was similar. To a woman worried about not being a virgin on her wedding night, Dr Watsa wrote: “Don’t worry, your husband won’t notice.” 

但他们满怀信心迎接的困惑者不计其数,有时他们的建议也大致相同。对于一位在新婚之夜担心自己不是处女的女士,沃特萨医生写道:“别担心,你的丈夫不会注意到的。While to a young bedsitter hostess, cooking for a man, Ms Whitehorn breezed: “Don’t apologise, and never ask ‘Is it all right?’” 
