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Even so, Africans can do more to increase their share of the benefits. First, voters and activists can insist on transparency. It is heartening that South Africa is investigating t
In this respect the news is less encouraging. Across the OECD the gender pay gap of full-time employees averages 13.5% and varies widely,
Commercial ties are being upended. As recently as 2006 Africa’s three biggest trading partners were America, China and France, in that order. By 2018 it was China first, India sec
The glass ceiling in the corporate world is not broken, but it is starting to crack.
企业界的玻璃天花板没有破碎,但就要开始破裂了。Women are getting on to corporate boards at grea经济学人下载:一周要闻 马克龙发表致欧洲公民书 欧盟否决"逃税天堂"黑名单 全球现第二位艾滋病治愈者
Estonia’s centre-right Reform Party won a legislative election with 29% of the vote. Kaja Kallas, its leader, began coalition negotiations with the centre-left Centre Party a
《社论》The new scramble for Africa
非洲新抢夺战This time, the winners could be Africans themselves
这一次,赢家可能是非洲人The first great surge of foreign interest in经济学人下载:治愈艾滋病:英国病人(2)
The newly reported patient, treated by Ravindra Gupta of University College, London, and his colleagues,
最新报道中的病人,由伦敦大学学院的Ravindra Gupta及同事进行治疗,had Hodgki经济学人下载:一周要闻 印巴冲突升级 荷兰召回驻伊朗大使 朝鲜或重建导弹试验设施
The world this week
政治Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the president of Algeria, defied protesters by registering to run for a fifth term in office. The ailing octogenari经济学人下载:愚蠢至“机”(2)
The case for flying on a private jet is that it can save time for someone, such as a chief executive, whose time is extraordinarily valuable. Hence companies can offset the cost of
Established HIV infection is easy to control but impossible to cure. Or almost impossible.
已确定的艾滋病(HIV)感染很容易控制,但不可治愈。或者说几乎不可治愈。The exception seems经济学人下载:愚蠢至“机”(1)
航空Plane stupid
愚蠢至“机”Private jets receive ludicrous tax breaks that hurt the environment
私人飞机破坏环境而又享受荒谬可笑的税收优惠The blue jeans and经济学人下载:向朝鲜汇款的秘密渠道(2)
That is low compared with remittances from workers sent abroad by the state, which are estimated to be in the hundreds of millions.
By the same token, Mr Modi has not sparked the outright communal conflagration his critics, The Economist included, fretted about before he became prime minister. But his governmen
In February 2018 Jessie Kim found out that she had been sending money to a dead man.
2018年2月,Jessie Kim发现自己一直在给一个死人打钱。Ms Kim, now a 27-year-old student in Seoul,经济学人下载:印度vs巴基斯坦:莫迪的危险时刻(2)
In the long run, stability depends on Pakistan ending its indefensible support for terrorism. Its prime minister, Imran Khan, is urging dialogue and, in a promising gesture, was du
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2019-03-08经济学人下载: 华为: 误会 (2)
Despite those criticisms, Britain's conditional seal of approval is important for Huawei as a counterbalance to American pressure.
《社论》Modi’s dangerous moment
莫迪的危险时刻Two nuclear powers are shooting at each other. They are playing with fire
两个核大国正在互相攻击。正在玩火The armies经济学人下载:一周要闻 美投资商在俄罗斯被抓 瑞银税务欺诈被重判 亚马逊放弃纽约第二总部计划
Has he annoyed the Kremlin?
他惹恼了克里姆林宫吗?International investors reacted with shock to the arrest of Michael Calvey in Moscow. Mr Calvey, an American, runs Baring Vostok,经济学人下载:一周要闻 英国脱欧连累企业 欧盟回击美方汽车关税 汇丰利润未达预期
The world this week
商业It is shaping up to be a bad year for Britain’s car industry. In the latest blow, Honda decided to close its plant in Swindon in 20经济学人下载: 华为: 误会 (1)
The "Five Eyes" is probably the world's most comprehensive spying agreement.
“五眼联盟”可能是世界上最广泛的间谍协议了。Originating in Allied intelligence-sharing duri经济学人下载:全球英语教学对于非洲和南亚意味着什么?(4)
The infinite variety of language means that even the choice of mother tongue is not an easy one. Urdu is the mother tongue of only a minority of Pakistani children. In Punjab most
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2019-03-06经济学人下载:Wirecard:迁怒于人 (2)
Investors in Wirecard remained spooked until BaFin intervened on February 18th.
Wirecard的投资者惊魂未定,直到2月18日德国联邦金融监管局介入。The regulator cited Wirecard's "im经济学人下载:全球英语教学对于非洲和南亚意味着什么?(3)
A similar effect was seen in Ethiopia after the downfall of the Derg, a communist military dictatorship, in 1987. The Derg had mandated that education be in Amharic, a Semitic lang
It is not just inertia and coercion that work in favour of English. It is also, these days, popular demand. English is the language of technology. In Africa and South Asia, most hi
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2019-03-05经济学人下载:Wirecard:迁怒于人 (1)
Those who profit from the misery of others are not often popular.
那些从别人的苦难中获益的人通都不受欢迎。Short-sellers, who try to make money by selling borrowed shares and buyin
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