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经济学人下载: 咖啡杯内的风暴 (2)
Until a few years ago, traders would usually get paid within 30 days. To raise cash JAB lengthened payment terms to up to 300 days.
《国际》版块Teaching in English around the world
在世界各地用英语教学Language without instruction
拉合尔和勒克瑙More children in经济学人下载:一周要闻 桑德斯参加2020年总统大选 英国工党现退党潮 西班牙总理要求提前大选
Independents’ day
独立日In Britain, eight Labour MPs quit the party over Jeremy Corbyn’s poor leadership, which has led to dithering over Brexit and failed to clamp do经济学人下载:"机遇号"火星探测器失联(3)
That said, it had not all been plain rolling. Opportunity had spent a few harrowing sols stuck in sand at Purgatory Ripple; later, one of its steering motors failed. While it was e
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2019-03-01经济学人下载: 咖啡杯内的风暴 (1)
Brazil, Guatemala or Kenya are the sorts of exotic locations that most people would associate with the cup of coffee that kickstarts their day.
不论是巴西、危地马拉还是肯尼亚,它们经济学人下载:贸易战争之大豆篇 (2)
In January Liu He, China's deputy prime minister, said China would buy 5m tonnes of soyabeans after meeting Mr Trump.
1月,中国副总理刘鹤在和特朗普会面后称中国将购买5百万公吨大豆经济学人下载:一周要闻 波兰退出中欧4国峰会 印巴冲突升级 南非砸50亿美元救国企
The world this week
政治Pakistan’s prime minister, Imran Khan, warned India not to attack his country in retaliation for a suicide-bombing in Kashmir that经济学人下载:"机遇号"火星探测器失联(2)
For the first 56 sols, Opportunity never strayed more than ten metres from that propitious landing site. It took pictures with its various cameras, ground holes with its little ras
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2019-02-28经济学人下载:贸易战争之大豆篇 (1)
"We've been gambling up to this point," says Tim Bardole, a soyabean farmer from Iowa.
机遇号Remembering a robot
铭记机器人Opportunity, a rover on Mars whose time there exceeded all expectations, was declared lost on February 12th
&ldqu经济学人下载: 优衣库:回归根本 (2)
This success has surprised some, and not only because of ill-feeling towards Japan from many Chinese because of the latter's wartime record.
Noone doubts that Mr. Ramaphosa sincerely wishes to uprootcorruption. And his hiring of honest cops and prosecutors is an essential step in that direction. But he will struggle unl
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2019-02-26经济学人下载: 优衣库:回归根本 (1)
When asked what guides his vision of UNIQLO, Tadashi Yanai, its founder and chief executive,
当被问及是什么引导了他对优衣库的愿景时,优衣库创始人兼CEO柳井正pulls off the shelf the经济学人下载:南非新任总统是否能带来光亮时刻(1)
South Africa
南非Light-bulb moment
开灯时刻Cyril Ramaphosa has made a good start. But to beat corruption, he must relax state control of business
西里尔·拉马福萨开了个好经济学人下载:澳大利亚银行:利与损 (2)
The report's 76 recommendations set out to clean up the industry.
该报告的76条建议旨在净化该行业。One is for a new bank-funded compensation scheme for victims of banking misco经济学人下载:宗教政治:穆斯林回归本土(2)
Today the third generation is coming of age. It is more enfranchised and confident than the first two. Most of its members want little truck with either foreign imams or violent ji
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2019-02-21经济学人下载:澳大利亚银行:利与损 (1)
If a healthy banking system is dull, then Australia's must be sick to the core.
如果一个健康的银行体系是乏味沉闷的话,那么澳大利亚的银行体系一定是病入膏肓的。A royal commission w经济学人下载:宗教政治:穆斯林回归本土(3)
The trouble is that governments frequently lump in criminal actions with regressive norms. Germany is leading a drive to curb foreign influence of mosques, train imams and control
社论The politics of religion
宗教政治Muslims are going native
穆斯林回归本土Islam in the West is experiencing a little-noticed transformation
西方的伊斯兰教正在经历一场经济学人下载:一周要闻 美国1月就业将创里程碑 "债王"比尔·格罗斯退休 Snap四季度营收创新高
India’s central bank cut its key interest rate by a quarter of a percentage point, to 6.25%. It was the first big policy decision taken under the new governor, Shaktikanta Da
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2019-02-20经济学人下载: 改善快餐连锁店形象的25年之战 (2)
Accomplishing change is not just a matter of the company snapping its fingers.
实现改变并不仅仅是公司打个响指的问题。Most McDonald's restaurants are operated by franchisees an经济学人下载:一周要闻 特朗普提名下任世行行长 欧盟否决西门子阿尔斯通合并案 德国低成本航空公司破产
The world this week
商业Donald Trump nominated David Malpass to become the World Bank’s next president, a job that is by tradition filled by the American g经济学人下载: 改善快餐连锁店形象的25年之战 (1)
Every day McDonald's serves 69m customers, more than the population of Britain or France.
麦当劳每天接待6900万顾客,比英国或法国的人口都多。The company has what is estimated to b经济学人下载:伊朗伊斯兰革命四十年(3)
Above all, indiscriminate sanctions are likely to strengthen Iran’s hardliners. American pressure gives them excuses for bad behaviour; adventurism abroad becomes self-defence; ol
America has rarely been able to think clearly about Iran; not least because the regime’s followers held 52 of its citizens hostage for 444 days after seizing the American embassy
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