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经济学人下载:一周要闻 普京连任俄罗斯总统 沙特与加拿大"翻脸" 全球变暖致灾难频发
In the year’s other big elections, Colombia took a conservative turn when it elected Iván Duque as president. With the main opposition candidate barred from running, V
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2019-01-04经济学人下载: 搜寻火星生命 (2)
Regardless of their source, any methane molecules in Mars's atmosphere would, on the basis of experiments on Earth, be expected to hang around for centuries.
不论它从何而来,根经济学人下载:信息时代 数据即我(2)
Yet few have changed their online behaviour, boycotted snooping tech firms or exercised what few digital rights they possess. Partly this is because managing your own data is time
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2019-01-03经济学人下载: 搜寻火星生命 (1)
On earth, most of the methane in the atmosphere has been belched by living organisms,
在地球上,大气中的大部分甲烷都是由活着的生物体喷出的,so finding the gas on Mars would be hap经济学人下载:信息时代 数据即我(1)
身份Les stats, C'est moi
统计数据,就是我A new way to think about data is needed
需要用新方法看待数据“Data”, runs a common refrain, “is经济学人下载:英国曼岛的保险业 (2)
A striking example is a policy offered by Old Mutual International (OMI), a subsidiary of London-listed Quilter,
一个显著的例子是伦敦上市公司Quilter的子公司先机国际(OMI)提供的一经济学人下载:英国曼岛的保险业 (1)
The seaside promenade in Douglas, on the Isle of Man, a self-governing British Crown dependency, boasts grand Victorian buildings and a horse-drawn tram.
Part of the problem is the way that China’s armed forces work. The Communist Party is present throughout the military hierarchy. Its political commissars often wield as much power
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2018-12-29经济学人下载: 日本软银移动业务上市 (3)
The risk the debt mountain poses is the concern most often cited by investors, says Mr Lane.
莱恩表示投资人经常用债务堆积如山的风险引述他们的担忧。Some of this debt will go to the经济学人下载:中美军事误解(2)
The Americans are sometimes led around empty Potemkin bases and entertained with Kung Fu shows rather than genuine drills. They wonder why they should waste their time on such junk
社论China and America
中国和美国Military misunderstandings
军事误解For the sake of global peace, the armed forces of the world’s two superpowers must learn to communica经济学人下载:一周要闻 中美贸易战"停火" 英国脱欧道阻且长 "间谍案"恶化英俄关系
The world this year
年度大事盘点America and China started a trade war, the world’s worst such dispute in decades. America imposed tariffs on $250bn-worth of Chinese products经济学人下载: 日本软银移动业务上市 (2)
Even so, the Japanese public, bombarded by TV advertisements for the listing, has flocked to buy shares.
即便如此,由于电视上铺天盖地的上市宣传,日本民众纷纷购买该公司股票。SoftBa经济学人下载: 日本软银移动业务上市 (1)
Mention softbank and most Japanese people, understandably, think of telecoms—it is Japan's third-largest wireless carrier.
The row comes at a bad time. Donald Trump bludgeoned Canada (and Mexico) into renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement. The new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement w
The Americas
美洲Canada and China
加拿大和中国Killing the chicken
杀鸡儆猴A Sino-American row hurts Canada
中美矛盾波及加拿大Just hours before opening a flagship store in Beiji经济学人下载: 热带疾病 (2)
Properly analysed, Fraunhofer lines provide information about the exact chemical make-up of whatever is reflecting the light.
经过恰当分析,夫琅和费谱线可以提供关于任何反光物体的化经济学人下载: 热带疾病 (1)
Malaria killed 435,000 people last year, most of them in Africa.
去年435,000人死于疟疾,其中大部分在非洲。The parasite that causes the illness is carried by females of some, but n经济学人下载:回首旧年:如何从"怀旧"潮掇菁撷华(3)
This makes nostalgia dangerous. Protesters do not necessarily expect to put back the clock—they may just be seeking to slow it down. And yet such sclerosis may only aggravate the
Vaults full of research attest to how emerging-market optimism is more soundly based than rich-country pessimism. People around the world are living longer, healthier lives; fewer
Puzzlingly low core inflation is not solely a European problem. America has seen it too.
令人困惑的是,低迷的核心通货膨胀问题不仅仅存在于欧洲。美国也一样。Indeed, the Federal Rese经济学人下载:一周要闻 法国燃油税骚乱加剧 Tumblr屏蔽成人内容 武田药品收购英夏尔
Takeda, a Japanese drugs company, won approval from its shareholders for a deal to buy Shire, a rival based in Ireland. The 46bn pounds ($59bn) transaction is Japan’s biggest
社论The uses of nostalgia
怀旧的打开方式How to get the best from an outbreak of reminiscence
如何从怀旧爆发中掇菁撷华Politicians have always exploited the past. But just经济学人下载:欧元区经济:保持信心(2)
Italy's domestic politics are also concerning.
意大利的国内政治也令人担忧。The government's row with the European Commission over its budget and ensuing market jitters are经济学人下载:一周要闻 华为CFO被捕惹众怒 G20峰会中美停加新关税 德意志银行涉嫌洗钱被查
The world this week
商业The Chinese government expressed confidence that it could reach a trade agreement with America by March 1st, following Donald Trump&rsquo
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