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经济学人下载:离婚法案 过错游戏(2)
In 1996 the government tried to introduce no-fault divorce, but the legislation was repealed in 2001 after requirements on the parties to attend “information meetings” to encoura
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2017-05-22经济学人下载:离婚法案 过错游戏(1)
英国Divorce Law: Blame Game
离婚法案:过错游戏The absence of no-fault divorce in England and Wales looks updated.
英格兰及威尔士无过错离婚的缺失亟待解决。People stay in经济学人下载:脱欧进程 "贵族式跳跃"(2)
But peers also made clear that they will eventually back down and let an unamended bill become law in the first half of March.
但是贵族们也明白他们最后得做出让步,并且在3月上旬通过经济学人下载:脱欧进程 "贵族式跳跃"(1)
英国The Brexit Process: "Lords-a-leaping"
脱欧进程:“贵族式跳跃”The Article 50 bill will pass, but the real debate about Brexit is yet to begin.
《里斯本条约经济学人下载:泰国佛教 失踪的僧侣(2)
But Dhammakaya has fierce opponents both within the Buddhist establishment and outside it.
但是Dhammakaya在佛教内部和外部都有强劲的对手。Critics denounce it as a cult that peddles经济学人下载:泰国佛教 失踪的僧侣(1)
亚洲Buddhism in Thailand: The missing monk
泰国佛教:失踪的僧侣The junta feuds with an influential sect.
军方与重要佛教教派长期不和。SOME people think he has fled abroad.经济学人下载:优生学 保护野生动物要坚守立"场"
The Americas
美洲Protecting Wild Lives: Stand your ground beef
保护野生动物:坚守立“场”Cows that are good at self-defense are also good for jaguars.
能自卫的牛也能抵经济学人下载:产业升级 手机成全新的旧事物(下)
In time for MWC the International Telecommunication Union, a UN agency, agreed on the specifications for 5G: speeds must be up to 20 gigabits per second, enough to download a movie
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2017-05-10经济学人下载:产业升级 手机成全新的旧事物(上)
商业Mobile Phones: The new old thing
手机:全新的旧事物Conformity, nostalgia and 5G were on show at the Mobile World Congress.
在世界移动通行大会上的惯例、怀旧以及5G。“经济学人下载:集团牺牲 三星解散战略部门(下)
The Future Strategy Office had come to represent the concentration of elite power that South Koreans are so fed up with, says Lee Jong-tae (no relation to Mr Lee) of SisaIN, a Sout
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2017-05-08经济学人下载:集团牺牲 三星解散战略部门(上)
商业Samsung: Group sacrifice
三星:集团牺牲South Korea's giant disbands its controversial strategy unit.
韩国巨头解散了它名下富有争议的战略部门。“THE de facto di经济学人下载:印度阿鲁沙之家 增多的房间(下)
Paying up to six months' deposit for a city flat is beyond their means, as is the down payment for a motorbike that would allow them to live far from their employer.
用六个月的经济学人下载:印度阿鲁沙之家 增多的房间(上)
商业Aarusha Homes: Room to grow
阿鲁沙之家:增多的房间The road to Indian prosperity is paved with cheap and cheerful hostels.
印度繁荣之路铺满了廉价且宜人的旅馆。If sev经济学人下载:废除奥巴马医改 成本分摊令人关注(2)
But unless prices fall dramatically, many low-earners would probably have to downgrade to insurance covering only catastrophes.
但是如果价格不大幅度下降,许多低收入者的保险等级可能经济学人下载:废除奥巴马医改 成本分摊令人关注(1)
United States
美国Replacing Obamacare: Cost-sharing is caring
废除奥巴马医改:成本分摊令人关注The paroles of replacing Obamacare's subsidies for the poor.
替换奥巴马医改法案对穷经济学人下载:"小赌怡情" 日本或放开博彩业限制(2)
Some politicians want to deter locals from visiting casinos by imposing an entry tax.
一些政治家们想通过征收入场税来阻止当地居民进入赌场。Pachinko's seedy reputation is one reaso经济学人下载:"小赌怡情" 日本或放开博彩业限制(1)
亚洲Gambling in Japan: In a Spin
日本博彩:晕头转向The government has legalised casinos, but Japanese still do not like the idea.
In July 2015 the ECX did, however, introduce electronic transactions, now used for almost all trades.
2015年7月,商品交易所引进了电子交易,然而现在几乎使用到所有行业。Bespoke soft经济学人下载:埃塞俄比亚的商品交易所:高科技,低影响(1)
Finance and Economics
财经The Ethiopia’s Commodity Exchange: High-tech, low impact
埃塞俄比亚的商品交易所:高科技,低影响A state-of-the-art commodity exchange struggles wit经济学人下载:贸易谈判 协议生效背后的艰辛(2)
Step back a bit, however, and the TFA looks rather bedraggled.
然而,稍微退一步来看,贸易便利化协定看上去破旧不堪。It rose out of the ashes of the Doha round, the last big attempt经济学人下载:贸易谈判 协议生效背后的艰辛(1)
Finance and Economics
财经Trade Deals: Trying For Anything
贸易协议:尝试一切可能The biggest trade deal in decades shows why getting an agreement is so hard.
数十年来内最大贸易协经济学人下载:美国的工作与种族 薪资差距(2)
Assuming their controls are adequate, that would still leave 90% of the wage difference between white workers and ethnic minorities, which was recently estimated to be 14%, unexpla
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2017-04-20经济学人下载:美国的工作与种族 薪资差距(1)
United States
美国Working and Race: Colouring in
工作与种族:上色A trio of labour economists suggest that effort at work is correlated with race.
由三名劳动经济学家组成的团队声称经济学人下载:分子生物学 蛋白质的奥秘(3)
One common protein-contact prediction is that, if the side chain of one member of a pair of amino acids brought close together by folding is long, then that of the other member wil
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2017-04-18经济学人下载:分子生物学 蛋白质的奥秘(2)
One of the leading researchers in the field of protein folding is David Baker of the University of Washington, in Seattle.
西雅图华盛顿大学的David Baker是蛋白质折叠领域研究者的领军
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