栏目广告位一 |
经济学人下载:分心的青少年 邻家梦中人
Finance and economics: Distracted teens The dreamboat next door
财经:分心的青少年,邻家梦中人It's official: having friends of the opposite sex is bad for children's grade.
官方经济学人下载:不平等与运动健身 流汗成为精英现象
United States: Inequality and exercise Spin to separate
美国:不平等与运动健身,分道扬镳Sweating on purpose is becoming an elite phenomenon.
有意流汗成为精英现象。In a darkened r经济学人下载:慷慨经济学 邻居的善意
Finance and economics: The economics of generosity The kindness of neighbours
财经:慷慨经济学 邻居的善意A new paper asks why some Tanzanian farmers are more selfish than others.经济学人下载:安倍经济学 女性权益该如何维护
Asia: Women and work in Japan We're busy. Get an abortion
亚洲:日本的妇女和工作,我们很忙,你堕胎去吧Pregnant women are furious about how they are treated at the office.
孕妇在经济学人下载:国际转账的代价 穷人挨税
Finance and economics: The cost of international transfers A tax on the poor
财经:国际转账的代价,穷人挨税Regulation is keeping remittances unnecessarily expensive.
相关法规导致经济学人下载:当代高尔夫 要荣誉不要古塔球
International: How much have golfers improved? No gutties, more glory
国际:当代高尔夫球手的水平有多大进步?要荣誉,不要古塔球Comparing modern golfers with champions of old is tri经济学人下载:安东尼.阿特金森 为了穷人,为了富人
Finance and Economics Anthony Atkinson: For Poorer, For Richer
财经:安东尼·阿特金森:为了穷人,为了富人Anthony Atkinson, a great British economist died on January 1st, age经济学人下载:社会平衡器 与富人之间的距离
Special report: (A special report on Singapore) The rich are always with us Inequality. But we don't like them that much.
特别报道:(一份新加坡的特别报道)虽然富人总与我们同在,经济学人下载:安卓系统在中国 手机王国的诱惑
Business: Android in China The lure of the mobile kingdom
商业:安卓系统在中国,手机王国的诱惑Re-entering China will be hard for Google, but it may still try.
对于谷歌而言,重新进经济学人下载:中国经济数据 正中红心
Finance and economics: China's economic data Right on target
中国经济数据,正中红心Is growth really 7% a year?
增长率当真是年7%?It all seems a little too perfect to be true.
一经济学人下载:自由交换 美墨两国的经济隔阂比墙还厚(下)
The sniping is unfair.
这样的指责其实是不公正的。Unexpected shocks prevented the deal from reaching its full potential.
意想不到的危机使得这份协定没办法充分展示其潜力。Both the p经济学人下载:自由交换 美墨两国的经济隔阂比墙还厚(上)
Finance and economic: Free exchange: Better than a wall
财经:自由交换:美墨两国的经济隔阂比墙还厚Understanding NAFTA, a disappointing but under-appreciated trade deal.
理解北美自经济学人下载:苹果 从iPhones到 iCars
Business: Apple From iPhones to iCars
商业:苹果,从iPhones到 iCarsApple is entering the auto business, but the road ahead could be rough.
苹果进军汽车业,但前路艰难。Having rede经济学人下载:食品领域新革命 液体午餐
Business: Food technology Liquid lunch
商业:食品科技,液体午餐A startup called Soylent wants to change the way people consume calories.
成立不久的Soylent绿色食品生产公司想要改变经济学人下载:棋盘游戏 不是衰败而是兴盛
Business: Board games Not twilight, but sunrise
商业:棋盘游戏,不是衰败而是兴盛Table-top games are booming in the video-game age.
视频游戏年代,桌游盛行。ESSEN is not one of Ger经济学人下载:烟草公司 勇敢的罢工(下)
New regulations have not snuffed out tobacco firms, either.
新的规定也并没有消灭烟草公司。Countries have passed a battery of laws to fight smoking, including taxes and bans on adv经济学人下载:烟草公司 勇敢的罢工(上)
Business: Cigarette companies: Plucky strike
商业:烟草公司:勇敢的罢工A merger is the latest sign of Big Tobacco’s resilience.
一场象征大烟草复苏的兼并。British American Tobacc经济学人下载:平等的力量 女性该如何平衡家庭和工作?
Finance and economics: Women and work The power of parity
财经:女人和工作,平等的力量The world would be a much richer place if more women had paying jobs.
如果更多女性参与有偿工经济学人下载:亚马逊上的评论 五星假好评
Business: Reviews on Amazon Five-star fakes
商业:亚马逊上的评论,五星假好评The evolving fight against sham reviews.
打击虚假评论进行中。“I will post awesome review on your经济学人下载:中国汽车贸易 汽车经销商如履薄冰
Business: China's motor trade Driven to the brink
商业:中国汽车贸易,逼入绝境Slowing car sales are a threat to shaky dealerships.
汽车经销商如履薄冰,销售放缓雪上加霜。China's经济学人下载:招聘歧视 匿名求职就能规避偏见?
Business: Recruitment No names, no bias?
商业:招聘,匿名求职,就能规避偏见?Anonymising job applications to eliminate discrimination is not easy.
通过匿名求职来消除歧视,并非易事经济学人下载:中国互联网公司 合并是大势所趋?
Business: Chinese internet firms Clubbing together
商业:中国互联网公司,合并The merger of Meituan and Dianping could herald a bigger consolidation.
美团外卖和大众点评的合并可能预经济学人下载:电子游戏 恋上手机
Business: Video games A crush on mobile
商业:电子游戏,恋上手机A big merger shows where the money is heading in the industry.
一次大规模的合并显示出行业内资金的流向。Compare &ld经济学人下载:脸书和慈善:我有我方式
Finance and economics: Facebook and philanthropy I'll give it my way
财经:脸书和慈善,我有我方式Mark Zuckerberg finds another way to share.
But the Chinese property business is going through a painful retrenchment after years of overbuilding, which suggests Vanke's bonds are not without their risks.
栏目广告位二 |