栏目广告位一 |
经济学人下载:愤怒鸽派逼宫 法国政府尴尬减税
France’s government and business
法国政府和商业Angry pigeons
愤怒的鸽子An online revolt forces the government into an embarrassing tax climbdown
在线的抗议活动迫使政府陷入经济学人下载:用养老金救市 普京真能挽救俄罗斯经济吗?
Russian pensions
俄罗斯养老金An unaffordable system
支付不起的制度Russia’s prime minister signs a disastrous pension reform
俄罗斯总理签署了一项灾难性的养老金改革计划Vladimir P经济学人下载:"三驾马车"齐刁难希 希腊无奈让移民顶罪
Greek politics
希腊政治Immigrants as scapegoats
让移民来顶罪As Greece is forced to make more budget cuts, right-wing extremism is on the rise
希腊被迫不断削减其财政预算的同时,国经济学人下载:德国国会选举 扳倒默克尔
Germany’s parliamentary election
德国国会选举Charging at Merkel
冲!扳倒默克尔!The Social Democrats pick their candidate to challenge Angela Merkel
社民党候选人VS安吉拉&m经济学人下载:俄罗斯政治 恐慌与厌恶并存
Russian politics
俄罗斯政治Fear and loathing
恐慌与厌恶同在How the Kremlin is using the law for political ends
克里姆林宫如何操纵法律以达政治目的For generations of Russian leade经济学人下载:亲密邻国彻底翻脸 誓言恶战到底
Turkey and Syria
土耳其和叙利亚Bad blood bubbles
恶战到底Relations between the two neighbours are getting worse than ever
两邻国之间的关系到达历史冰点A dangerous spat
一场危险的经济学人下载:黑手党雄踞一方 地盘争夺战悄然打响
Europe Mafias on the move
欧洲 黑手党正在扩张Northward creep
罪恶之手伸向北方In Italy Mafia-organised crime is no longer only a southern phenomenon
意大利黑手党犯罪不再局限于南部经济学人下载:法国经济萎靡 奥朗德痛失民心
France’s economy
法国经济The performance gap
绩效差距The French government seems to realise at last that urgent action is needed to restore the country’s competitiven经济学人下载:欧洲危机 大国间的政治博弈
Euro crisis
欧洲危机The end of the euro’s Indian summer
欧元区小阳春之末After a few sunny weeks, a political and economic storm is battering the euro zone once again
度过几经济学人下载:英国的学校改革 优胜劣汰
Britain Schools reform
英国 学校改革Class acts
优秀法案England’s schools are radically different. Now make them better
英格兰各个学校相比其他地方极为不同,现在是是时候改善这些学经济学人下载:斯洛文尼亚 美丽背后蕴藏危机
斯洛文尼亚Very European
浓郁的欧洲色彩Slovenia’s first big crisis since independence
斯洛文尼亚独立后首遇大危机Beautiful but angry
美丽表面蕴藏危机Slovenes have经济学人下载:德国能源转型 适时求变(下)
Renewables can depress wholesale prices, eg, when the sun creates a midday jolt. This discourages investors in the flexible, gas-powered generation needed to provide backup for win
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2016-07-13经济学人下载:德国能源转型 适时求变(中)
The plan will require two transformations, one micro and one macro. The first is an unruly, subsidy-fed explosion of wind, solar and biomass power, a “strange mixture of idealism
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2016-07-13经济学人下载:德国能源转型 适时求变(上)
Europe Germany's energy transformation
欧洲 德国的能源转型Energiewende
能源大变身German plans to cut carbon emissions with renewable energy are ambitious, but they are also r经济学人下载:全球会计准则 各经济体间的差距难消除
Global accounting standards
全球会计准则Closing the GAAP
弥补差距America’s commitment to international standards is in doubt
美国是否会如约与国际准则接轨尚未确定Like railw经济学人下载:德国实施割礼 须征求孩子意见
Circumcision in Germany
割礼在德国Incisive arguments
激烈的争辩A row over a ruling that circumcision for non-medical reasons is a crime
Metal thieves in Germany
德国偷金属的贼Stealing steel
金属窃贼偷窃钢材Why the trains are late
火车晚点的原因In the wee hours of a recent morning a young man with a rucksack was经济学人下载:德国大众 征服全世界(下)
VW bet on China nearly 30 years ago. Now it is the world’s biggest car market and VW has 18% of it, through two joint ventures. They sell 2m vehicles a year and plan to doub
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2016-07-07经济学人下载:德国大众 征服全世界(上)
大众汽车VW conquers the world
大众征服世界Germany’s biggest carmaker is leaving rivals in the dust
德国最大汽车制造商令对手望尘莫及When Ferdinand Piech arrived经济学人下载:德国名企股东闹不和 双方陷冷战
German business
德国商业Screwdrivers drawn
拉锯战A shareholder stand-off in the Black Forest
黑森林里的股东对峙If you have ever struggled to assemble a flat-pack wardrobe, the c经济学人下载:纾困希腊?默克尔成压垮欧元的最后稻草(下)
Would she consider the version of Eurobonds suggested by Germany’s advisory council ofeconomic “wise men”? Under this scheme, debts exceeding 60% of GDP would be
Germany’s obstinate chancellor
固执的德国总理Angela Merkel, swimming instructor
“游泳教练”安吉拉·默克尔When it comes to the euro, the German chancellor p经济学人下载:私募股权和阿拉伯之春
Finance and Economics
财经商业Private equity and the Arab spring
私募股权和阿拉伯之春Tentative steps
投石问路Investor interest in the Middle East and north Africa remains cautio经济学人下载:长寿的秘诀 日本健康零食
Healthy snacks in Japan
日本健康零食The joy of soy
黄豆欢歌Defying Western food imperialism
小黄豆不畏西餐帝国主义If you want to learn how to live longer, look at the people of经济学人下载:德意志银行深陷经济漩涡 总裁们手足无措(下)
The bank itself reckons that, were it to apply the new Basel 3 rules in full next year, instead of when legally required to do so by 2019, it would have a core Tier-1 capital ratio
栏目广告位二 |