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经济学人下载:英国4G频谱拍卖 衙门居然没得赚?
Britain The 4G spectrum auction
英国 英国4G频谱拍卖Second time around
再来一发?No bonanza for the government, but that might be no bad thing
这一次衙门估计没得赚,不过或许不是什经济学人下载:经济改革好评如潮? 奥朗德被同僚暗讽软弱无能
Europe French foreign policy
欧洲 法国对外政策The Bamako effect
巴马科效应Will France’s intervention in Mali make Francois Hollande popular at home?
弗朗索瓦·奥朗德经济学人下载:欧洲多国陷马肉风波 食品安全谁来保障?
Britain The horse-meat scandal
英国 马肉风波And the winner is
谁是赢家?What horse-shy consumers are eating instead
不吃马肉的消费者他们还可以吃什么?On the face of it, local bu经济学人下载:经济政策与承诺背道而驰 奥朗德能够俘获民心?
French economic policy
法国经济政策Which way for Mr Hollande?
奥朗德何去何从?Elected on the left,France’s president seems to be veering towards the centre
左翼当选,而今法经济学人下载:地方电视台之春 收视该如何保障?
Local television
地方电视台之春Coming soon
呼之欲出It is going to have a lot of adverts and reality shows
接下来是广告和真人秀的时间How it’s done in San Diego
瞧瞧圣迭戈是经济学人下载:政治押宝? 英国两党因争夺议员席位陷酣战
Selecting candidates
选择候选人Supply-side politics
政治押宝How the parties pick would-be MPs
政党如何挑选准国会议员For the next two weeks all political eyes will be on Eastlei经济学人下载:国外私立大学 是贵还是对?
Private universities
私立大学A degree of frustration
一定程度的沮丧Higher education is embracing private suppliers—but timidly
查理曼大帝专栏Europe in a foreign field
海外欧洲军The Europeans’ ability to deploy force abroad is falling, but Mali shows it is still needed
Britain Northern Ireland
英国 北爱尔兰Wrapped in the flag
国旗纠纷The loyalist protests in Belfast have almost nothing to do with politics. That is why they are so alarming
贝尔经济学人下载:庇护系统遭滥用 欧盟或将限制巴尔干游客的签证?
Europe The EU and the Balkans
欧洲 欧盟与巴尔干Asylum system abuse
庇护系统的滥用Will the EU reimpose visas for travellers from Balkan countries?
欧盟是否会重新限制来自巴尔干的旅经济学人下载:英联合政府"没有永远的敌人 只有永远的利益
Britain The coalition in 2013
英国 联合政府的2013Friendly fire
内讧David Cameron and Nick Clegg have less to fear from the other side than from their own furious ranks
卡梅隆和克经济学人下载:奥朗德推行高昂富人税 富人会因此"出逃"?
Europe French taxation
欧洲 法国税收A bas les riches!
对富人的严厉打击Francois Hollande remains intent on introducing a punishing top income-tax
弗朗索瓦·奥朗德继续致力推行严厉经济学人下载:亚裔穆斯林女性受歧视? 英国政府助其融入社会
Britain Asian Muslim women
英国 亚裔穆斯林女性All about taking part
全面参与A hidden explanation for Britain’s surprising job numbers: Bangladeshi and Pakistani women are f经济学人下载:英国选战 两党党首"抄袭"奥巴马式拉票
Britain How to win elections
英国 获选方法Baracking the voters
奥巴马式拉票British parties want to emulate the American master
英国政党希望效仿美国总统At ten o’clock, recalls a经济学人下载:历史的遗骨 卡梅伦如何看待 血腥星期日
Britain Northern Ireland
英国 北爱尔兰The bones of the past
历史的遗骨Another troubling reminder that Britain, at times, plays dirty
又一令人不安的提示:英国不时使阴招Mrs Finuca经济学人下载:贝卢斯科尼意欲重掌大权 蒙蒂将如何阻止?
Europe Italian politics
欧洲 意大利政治Will Monti run for prime minister?
蒙蒂会竞选总理吗?How to prevent Silvio Berlusconi from returning to power
如何防止西尔维奥·贝卢经济学人下载:意大利改革迎千年难遇良机 "邪恶骑士"意图乘虚而入
Leaders Italian politics in turmoil
先驱 意大利政坛动荡不安Run, Mario, run
马里奥,快跑A rare chance of reform in Italy—but its current prime minister needs to come out fig经济学人下载:爱尔兰赤字高居欧盟前列 政府6次收缩预算
Europe Ireland’s budget
欧洲 爱尔兰的财政预算Light at the end of the tunnel
一线希望Ireland’s sixth austerity budget
爱尔兰的第六次收缩预算Since mid-2008, successive governmen经济学人下载:信贷紧缩侵蚀欧洲 银行业查漏补缺更待何时?
Non-bank finance in Europe
欧洲非银行金融机构Embracing the alternatives
采用新方法Banks are changing. That means other providers of capital must step forward, especially in Europ经济学人下载:拉加德名单问世 瑞士不再是贪官的金融避风港
Greek taxation
希腊税收Doubts over competence
全面质疑Not a single prominent tax evader has yet been convicted
至今为止,希腊还未对任何有明显偷税嫌疑者进行惩罚Greece’S eli经济学人下载:英国同性婚姻合法化 卡梅伦"爱不应被法律分开"
Gay marriage
同性婚姻合法化Ties that divide
备受争议A row over plans to let gay couples marry in church
同性伴侣可在教堂举行婚礼这一法案争议不断Pity the prime minister. With mo经济学人下载:伦敦效应 英国正步入种族多样化
Britain Measuring diversity
英国 衡量种族多样化The London effect
伦敦效应Britain is becoming more like its capital city
英国渐渐成为一个大都市Milton Keynes, a new town of 249,00经济学人下载:法国"老顽童" 不知羞耻欲成立第六共和国
France’s industry minister
法国工业部长Enfant terrible
顽童Will Arnaud Montebourg stay in the French government?
阿尔诺·蒙特布尔是否还会继续呆在法国政府?FOR sheer theatrical经济学人下载:普京高调反腐 新闻曝光各部长赃款及其情妇(2)
Europe Russia’s president
欧洲 俄罗斯总统Alone at the top
高处不胜寒All this feeds a sense of uncertainty, with the Moscow political elite “disoriented,” according to Mr Petro经济学人下载:普京高调反腐 新闻曝光各部长赃款及其情妇(1)
Europe Russia’s president
欧洲 俄罗斯总统Alone at the top
高处不胜寒Vladimir Putin has initiated some high-profile battles against corruption. But to many he seems increasingly
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