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经济学人下载:德意志银行深陷经济漩涡 总裁们手足无措(上)
Deutsche Bank
德意志银行Two’s company
两人成伴Hard questions loom for the new bosses of Germany’s national banking champion
Noise pollution
嘘!小声点!Why quiet carriages don’t work, and how they might be made to?
安静车厢的推广之途屡屡受挫。原因何在,如何改之?QUIET carriages o经济学人下载:德国的宏观审慎改革
German macroprudential reforms
德国的宏观审慎改革Beware Teutonic caution
谨防日耳曼式谨小慎微The Bundesbank should not exert its new clout too zealously
德国央行新令牌在握,切莫经济学人下载:快车道生活 商务人士学习一级方程式车手(上)
熊彼特Life in the fast lane
快车道生活Business people are racing to learn from Formula One drivers
商务人士竞相向一级方程式车手学习ON THE face of it business executiv经济学人下载:阿里巴巴 一审再审(下)
Most intriguingly, the American regulator is also scrutinising how the company has handled its many related-party transactions. Jack Ma, the firm's founder, caused outrage when
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2016-06-15经济学人下载:阿里巴巴 一审再审
阿里巴巴Under scrutiny
一审再审American regulators are investigating China's e-commerce giant
美国监管机构正调查中国电商巨头“WE HAVE from time to time been subjec经济学人下载:一周要闻 印度经济增长迅猛 沙特为优步提供35亿美元融资
Yusuf Alireza unexpectedly quit as chief executive of Noble Group, Asia's biggest commodities-trading firm. Noble, which is based in Hong Kong, has been hit by the slump in com
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2016-06-14经济学人下载:一周要闻 巴西陷经济危机 日本推迟消费税上调
In its latest twice-yearly global assessment, the OECD warned that the world economy is “stuckin a low-growth trap”. The organisation said monetary policy alone could no longer b
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2016-06-12经济学人下载:一周要闻 美国总统奥巴马访问越南宣布全面解除武器禁运
A bill that would help Puerto Rico manage its $70 billion debt pile was introduced in Congress. The legislation would set up a financial control board and restructure some debt. It
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2016-06-12经济学人下载:一周要闻 委内瑞拉食糖短缺可乐停产 美击毙塔利班头目
Cuba's Communist government said it would legalize small and medium-sized enterprises. That builds on earlier reforms, which allow “self-employed” Cubans to own restaurants,
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2016-06-08经济学人下载:一周要闻 奥地利大选极右派败北 希腊与债权人达成突破性协议
Politics this week
本周政治要闻Alexander Van der Bellen, a former head of the Green party, won Austria's presidential election by just 31,000 votes, defeating Norbert Hofer of th经济学人下载:Slack一代 职场通讯工具如何取代其他沟通形式(下)
A self-professed introvert, which is fitting for a company that sells itself on textual communication, he values efficiency and candour. After Yahoo bought Flickr, he worked there
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2016-06-06经济学人下载:Slack一代 职场通讯工具如何取代其他沟通形式(中)
A survey of users, admittedly conducted by the firm itself, suggests that team productivity increases by around a third when they start using the software, primarily by reducing in
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2016-06-06经济学人下载:Slack一代 职场通讯工具如何取代其他沟通形式
Business Office communication The Slack generation How workplace messaging could replace other missives
商业报道 办公通讯 Slack一代 职场通讯工具如何取代其他沟通形式STEWART BUTTERF经济学人下载:一周要闻 黄热病肆虐疫情区扩 大多数美国现役军人支持特朗普
In a possible sign of reconciliation, the warring sides in Yemen agreed to a prisoner swap, to take place in the next three weeks.
也门交战双方同意在此后的三周内进行战俘交换,这预经济学人下载:一周要闻 菲律宾大选菲版特朗普获胜 朝鲜总参谋长并未被处决
Politics this week
本周政治要闻Rodrigo Duterte won the presidential election in the Philippines in a landslide victory over Mar Roxas, a former member of the cabinet of the outgoi经济学人下载:一周要闻 英国首相出言不慎大力推动反腐峰会 法国总统支持政府强行通过劳动法修改草案
After weeks of protests against France's controversial new labour laws, Fran?ois Hollande, the president, forced through the reforms without a parliamentary vote.
自几周前颇具争议经济学人下载:车费的变动 寻找出租车供需平衡解决方法(下)
Surge pricing also boosts supply, at least locally. The extra money is shared with drivers, who therefore have an incentive to travel to areas with high demand to help relieve the
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2016-05-27经济学人下载:车费的变动 寻找出租车供需平衡解决方法(上)
Free exchange
自由交换A fare shake
车费的变动Jacking up prices may not be the only way to balance supply and demand for taxis
提高价格可能并不是满足出租车供需平衡的唯一方法IT IS经济学人下载:天气预报 欧洲人比美国人更擅长预测天气(下)
During its three weeks of operation, the new GFS remained outclassed. On a standard measure—predicting the altitude at which the atmospheric pressure is half as great as at sea le
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2016-05-25经济学人下载:天气预报 欧洲人比美国人更擅长预测天气(上)
Science and technology Weather forecasting Continental divide
科学技术 天气预报 差距Europeans do not just talk about the weather more than Americans do.
欧洲人不仅比美国人更喜欢谈经济学人下载:婴儿的离奇流失 揭开持久生育低谷的谜团(下)
Fertility rates have fallen in countries with woeful economies, such as Greece and Italy. But they have also fallen in countries that sailed through the financial crisis, such as A
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2016-05-23经济学人下载:婴儿的离奇流失 揭开持久生育低谷的谜团(上)
人口统计学The strange case of the missing baby
婴儿的离奇流失As the financial crisis hit, birth rates fell in rich countries, as expected. But a persistent baby bust i经济学人下载:一周要闻 苹果在中国商标权诉讼中败诉 法国一员工因为工作无聊向老板索赔36万欧元
The torrent of mergers in the health-care industry kept flowing. IMS Health and Quintiles agreed to combine in a 9 billion transaction that will integrate the wide range of data se
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2016-05-19经济学人下载:一周要闻 欧洲中央银行将停发500欧元大钞 意大利大众银行股票发行计划失败
The world this week-Business
本周经济要闻Europe's big banks followed the trend of their American counterparts with generally dismal first-quarter earnings. The share prices of UB
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