
VOA常速英语:One Year After Brussels Attacks, Surviving Relatives Seek Messages of Hope, Love(翻译)

Photos by Johan van der Steen are on display in Brussels,he was among those killed in terrorist attacks that rocked the city one year ago.His life partner, Kristin Verellen, organized the photo exhibit as a tribute to him.

“Well, it has been a tough year.And the 22nd of March is only a day of the year but I think it’s important that we as human beings are also capable to,also to stand still and to reflect on the unhappy things in life."

Verellen established a citizen’s movement called "Circles -- we have the choice" -- connecting anyone affected by violence by sharing stories.
维蕾伦开展了一项名为“圈子 - 我们有选择”的公民运动,通过分享故事的形式,与受暴力影响的人们建立联系。

“We have the choice started immediately afterwards, to create meaningful togetherness as a positive response to blind violence and to the fragmentation and polarization that we see in our society.”

Some of the terrorists lived in the Molenbeek neighborhood of Brussels.Many of the 100,000 Muslims living here feel stigmatized, some were also victimized.
一些恐怖分子曾住在布鲁塞尔的莫伦贝克区。居住在这里的10万穆斯林中的许多人感到耻辱。 有些也是受害者。

Mohamed El Bachiri is a metro driver from Molenbeek.His wife, Loubna, was killed when terrorists bombed a metro she was in, leaving him behind with their three young children.El Bachiri put his sorrow into a call for love, by publishing a poetry book called Jihad of Love.

It’s a message of love, of humanity, a call for reflection and it’s related because the unimaginable, the unspeakable happened to me, and I think this is somehow a response.We need to express ourselves, we need love and at the same time,we need to talk about what we are first and foremost – human beings.We need to return to our humanity."

It’s here at the Maalbeek metro station where both Verellen and El Bachiri lost their loved ones.

Instead of a moment of silence to remember the victims,metro staff will observe a minute of noise, demonstrating their solidarity against hate and terror.

Marthe van der Wolf, for VOA News, Brussels.