



America’s diversity remains on the rise according to the latest annual study by the U.S. Census Bureau, which offers this snap shot of today’s population.One of the driving forces behind this growth is higher birth rates among Hispanics and Asians.

The report shows the Hispanic population is at 57.5 million, an increase of two percent since 2015. Meanwhile, the Asian population grew to 21.4 million with the fastest growth rate of all ethnic groups at three percent.

“What we can find in this latest report from the Census Bureau is that actually Asian percentage won, the Asian population grew slightly faster than the Hispanic population.But then in terms of numbers, the Hispanic population was larger, so in absolute numbers, you have more Hispanics.”

The study estimates that all groups had more births than deaths in the last year except non-Hispanic white people,who have experienced the decreasing births by 163,300 nationally.Geographically, the new data shows the majority of Asians and Hispanics resigned in the west of the U.S..

“You see a large Hispanic population in California, in Texas, those traditional Hispanic communities where there are economies that are well-adjusted to it and cultural resources where people feel comfortable.”

The Census Bureau makes a complete count of everybody living in the U.S. in its territories every ten years.The count is mandated by the Constitution and it will next take place in 2020.

Aline Barros, VOA News.