


We live in the age of sharing.Events, great and small; moments, big and little, become chapters in the book of our online lives.

“It turns out some of the information you’re sharing maybe saying more about you than you think,” says Chris Danforth by his skype.

I think that you know it’s so much more of our lives happening on the Internet these days. And you’ll be greedy of mobile phone of our lives, these are just a lot more they were revealing about our behavior, maybe they were, even unware of.

The mathematician and his colleague Peter Doughs created some machine learning tools to analyze people’s Instagram posts.

We found out if basically that people who have been diagnosed of depression, their pictures tend to be darker and bluer and greyer.If they chose to use a filter, it intended to be the black and white filter inkwell. That’s the one they chose more often than any others.

You can see the differences in some of the images Danforth analyzed.Greyer-blue filter V.S. the vibrant colors of the originals, just look, well, depressing.

It’s not new news that people who are depressed see the world in darker colors, spend less time in social groups but being able to infer this trend of social media, that were something new.

Danforth says it could lead the way to an app that lurch your doctor when you’re in emotional trouble.

Maybe 5 to 10 years from now a study like the one we’ve done here, you know, they bear larger groups and they reproduced,you know, you could imagine, you know, stalling an app, downloading an app that you consent to having your data shared with your physician so they can know when is the time they see you sooner.

Danforth points out there’re also huge privacy concerns involved that more researchers needed to figure out how well machines can diagnose a human’s state of mind.

Kevin Enochs, VOA New.