
VOA常速英语:USAID on Maternal and Child Health(翻译)

Next, an editorial reflecting the views of the United States government.

The 2017 USAID Acting on Call Report estimates that by working with partners U.S. aid can save the lives of 5.6 million children and 260,000 women worldwide through the year 2020 by focusing on improving health systems that will deliver essential, quality health services to the most vulnerable and underserved populations.
据美国国际开发署(USAID)2017年号召行动(Acting on Call)报告预计,通过多方合作,美国援助将在2020年挽救全球560万儿童和26万名妇女的生命。援助重点关注医疗体系的提升改善,使其在未来为最脆弱、最缺医少药的群体提供基本的优质公共医疗卫生服务。

Since 2012, USAID has trained 13.1 million health workers across the world in how to provide critical healthcare to mothers and children,including the importance of proper nutrition.It has provided 69.5 million treatments to children for diarrhea and pneumonia.It has vaccinated 25.3 million children against deadly preventable diseases and has treated 5.6 billion liters of water for consumption.USAID has helped 5.9 million women give birth in a health facility and has helped 6.4 million newborns receive care after delivery.USAID reaches more than 12 million children with nutrition services annually.
自2012年以来,USAID在全球挑选了1310万名卫生工作者,培训他们如何为母亲和儿童提供关键的医疗服务,包括合理营养的重要性。目前,通过USAID接受腹泻及肺炎治疗的儿童达到6950万人次,接受致命性可预防疾病疫苗接种的儿童达到2530万人,得到净化的饮用水达到56亿升。USAID的援助使 590万妇女得以在医疗机构进行生育,使640万新生儿在出生后可以得到卫生护理。每年,USAID还会向1200多万儿童提供营养类服务。

In addition to providing services, USAID believes in “leverag[ing] every dollar, grow[ing] local partners, and pass[ing] the baton to partner governments,”in order to amplify the impact of U.S. work, said USAID Administrator Mark Green in a Tweet on August 11.
除了提供各类服务,USAID还将“利用好每一块钱,发展当地合作伙伴,将指挥棒交到当地合作政府的手中”,USAID主任马克·格林(Mark Green)还于8月11日在推特上表示,这是为了扩大工作影响力。

Afghanistan provides a useful window into what USAID is doing on the ground.USAID has been working with local Afghan communities to educate those on the frontlines of caring for mothers and children.Since 2002, aid from the United States has provided funds to train over 2000 midwives in Afghanistan who work to save the lives of women and newborn babies.“My education as a midwife has changed my life dramatically,”said Friba Hashimi, one of the first women trained by USAID to provide labor and delivery services in Afghanistan.“It enabled me to support women in my country and save their lives—and the lives of their babies.”
在阿富汗,可以切切实实地看到USAID付出的努力。USAID一直在与阿富汗当地的社区合作,为关心妇幼的一线工作者提供培训。自2002年以来,来自美国的援助已为阿富汗出资培训了二千多名助产士,培训她们挽救妇女和新生儿的生命。“接受助产士培训彻底改变了我的生活,”芙里芭·哈希米(Friba Hashimi)是USAID培训的第一批在阿富汗提供助产接生服务的女性,她如是说,“助产士的工作可以让我帮助我们国家的孕产妇女,挽救她们和她们孩子的生命。”

While much progress has been made in Afghanistan, maternal and child mortality rates remain unacceptably high and much remains to be done.The United States is proud to have provided healthcare and health education to so many millions of people in need and to have saved so many lives.The United States is determined to build upon these improvements and continue supporting domestic and global health programs.