

The creator of the Chowberry App has a clear motivation for creating his new food sharing application.

“There was a phase in the family where my dad was temporary ill and out of work and I remember vividly during that time period the challenge at home was access to a wholesome meal.A quality meal we could go a day or two without having a quality meal. ”

He wants to try and make sure other kids don’t have to go through what he went through.

“This was something that affected me psychologically and also impacted on my academy,and I always said sometime in the future I would resolve this problem.I would leverage my abilities and capacities to ensure that others don’t go through what I went through. ”

Rather than ending up in a landfills food that has passed its best by date is still safe to eat and fresh. The App allows store owners to upload information on the food they can’t sell.Charities buy the food they needed a discounted price and deliver it to those who need it.

“It’s so difficult for me to give food to feed my family,because I don’t have what to do.So it was people’s App that I manage to feed my children, but now things will be better for me.”

The App is good for everyone because food stores make a small profit by selling food they would normally throw away.“The long-term goal is to have this platform evolve into a big data platform and a value proposition is simple.Simply plug the wastes that is going on the food value chain and redirect what would have been wasted to those that need it the most.”

By the end of 2018, Ekponimo says his App will feed 100,000 households.Kevin Enix VOA news.
Ekponimo说,截止到2018年底,他的应用程序将养活100,000户人家。VOA新闻记者Kevin Enix为您报道。