
VOA常速英语:Climbing the Hill: New Legislators Are Sworn in


Pete Stauber, Republican, professional hockey player, police commander, dad of four, he flipped his Minnesota district from Democrat to Republican.
Pete Stauber是一名共和党人、职业曲棍球员、警察指挥官、四个孩子的父亲。他之前是明尼苏达州的民主党人,后转投共和党。

Katie Porter, Democrat, tenured California law Professor, graduate of Harvard and Yale, single mom of three, with no political experience she unseated an incumbent Republican.
Katie Porter是一名民主党人、加利福尼亚大学法学终身教授、哈佛大学和耶鲁大学的毕业生、育有三子的单亲妈妈。没有任何从政经历的她使一位现任共和党人下台了。

Both our freshmen legislators new to the US Congress.

VOA is following them throughout their entire year in what we call climbing the hill as in Capitol Hill where US representatives and senators make this country’s laws.

Stauber.... Historically these seats were mostly filled by white men.

But November’s election results made the 116th Congress the most diverse in history.

Katie Porter is among the largest percentage of women to be elected at nearly twenty four percent.
在所有当选女性中,Katie Porter的支持率最高,约为24%。

My very first issue that I want to work on this campaign finance reform there’s a bill we’re hoping to introduce as HR 1 the first ball that the house takes up.

And for Stuber the first bill would be about the jobs in the economy to keep this pro-growth pro-jobs agenda going.
至于Stuber, 他提出的首份法案可能搜索关于经济领域的就业问题,以保持经济增长、增加就业的议程平稳进行。

Pete’s three children will remain in California until the end of the school year when they may move to the nation’s capital.

Stauber’s children will stay in Minnesota with his wife Jodi while in Washington Stauber will share a townhouse with 3 other congressmen.

My room is it’s about 10 by 12 and it’s got a bunk bed for family.

These freshmen know it will be a tough year with Democrats controlling the House of Representatives.

Pete Stauber knows that President Donald Trump the man who campaigned for him will be the target of investigations into Russian meddling and other matters.
Pete Stauber知道为其助选的唐纳德·特朗普总统将会是有关俄罗斯干涉大选和其他事件的调查对象。

I can’t stop them from doing that if that’s the majority’s will but I don’t think the American people I don’t think it’s American people’s will.

Up until this point life for these freshmen has been a blur.

Mrs. Pete drew number five.

The size and location of a Capitol Hill office depends on the lottery number polled.

The thing I’m most excited about is the members office which is right here I’m gonna paint a bright blue color and she did.

And this color was called Old Glory.

The election was nearly two months ago and it’s still taking a while to sink in.

The title of congressman is kind of surreal, you know for me.

People ask me who are you and I say I’m a law professor and I’m a consumer, advocate and I’m a mom and this is an additional identity that I have to think about so it is a change.