
VOA常速英语:拜登逆袭"超级星期二" 特朗普有序应对


An apparent new front runner in the democratic presidential race Joe Biden now leads in party delegates who determined the democrats presidential nominee.
"I makes no mistake about it.
This campaign will send Donald Trump packing."
President Trump has not only been watching the race closely,
but has provided running commentary via Twitter.
His analysis is that Biden made a comeback boosted by moderates Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar who dropped out of the race.
And Trump called progressive Elizabeth Warren selfish and a spoiler for Bernie Sanders by not leaving the race.
"Elizabeth Warren would have done what she probably should have done from their point of view.
He would have won. Right?
He would have won a lot of states including Massachusetts, probably Texas, definitely Minnesota.
It’s clear telling Sanders supporters that their candidate is being cheated out of the nomination is a key strategy for Trump.
"The Trump campaign will stoke that grievance
because I think it hopes not that Bernie Sanders supporters necessarily will vote for Trump
but that they’ll stay home, that they simply will not vote,
And that any decline in the enthusiasm of democrats to vote against
President Trump is a net gain for them.
Two strategies are emerging from the Trump campaign .
If the democratic nominee is a progressive like Sanders,the focus will be on the dangers of socialism.

"Whereas if Biden is the nominee , its going to be significantly more personal.
And you already see that the main line of attack is going to be about corruption,
suppose in corruption related to Ukraine,
and also our charges of Bidens, you know,perceived lack of mental acuity."
Whoever the democratic nominee maybe,
The president is likely to continue his strategy of divide and conquer.
"Trumps incentive is to have chaos within the democratic party.
The more chaos, the more division, the more it redounds to his benefit."
In the November election,Trump would rather face Sanders, a democratic socialist
than the more mainstream and moderate Biden who now has an additional boost.
When billionaire Michael Bloomberg dropped out of the race Wednesday.
he promised to spend his money to help the Biden campaign.