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The One With The Prom Video


Joey, now earning money, gives Chandler an expensive (and gaudy) gold bracelet. Joey is hurt when he finds out Chandler doesn't like it. Monica has a job interview with a restaurant manager who has a salad fetish. Rachel's starting to date again, which prompts Ross to interfere... until she makes it clear that they are never going to get together.

Phoebe shares her "lobster" theory. Jack and Judy Geller come by to drop off some of Monica's things; they're turning her room into a gym. Monica tells them about losing her job, but she just can't get the courage to ask them for money. Amongst Monica's items from home is a video of herself and Rachel preparing for their Senior Prom. Rachel's pre-surgery nose, Monica's large stature, and Ross' "Mr. Kotter" look are featured.

In the video, Rachel's date doesn't show up and she's distraught about having to miss her own Prom. Ross prepares to take her, but just before this is revealed, Rachel's date shows up. Rachel, watching the video for the first time, is so moved by Ross' compassion for her that she forgives him for "the list" and kisses him passionately. Monica discovers some unexpected footage of her parents at the end of the video tape.








Monica的职业是厨师(chet), 有一阵子她失业了,因而要到新的餐厅面试,面试通常是很正式的,
就让她做个沙拉(Salad),Monica正欲大显身手的时候,却发现面试官问了一连串让人觉得不可思议的问题, Monica被吓得“落荒而逃”。

[Scene: A kitchen somewhere. Monica is interviewing for a job]

INTERVIEWER: Well, this all looks good.

MONICA: Great.

INTERVIEWER: And if I want to call for a reference on your last job?

MONICA: Oh, that's there on the bottom, see the manager, Chandler Bing.

INTERVIEWER: Alright, lets see if you're as good in person as you are on paper. Make me a salad.

MONICA: A salad? Really I, I could do something a little more complicated if you like.

INTERVIEWER: No, just a salad will be fine.

MONICA: You got it.

INTERVIEWER: Now, I want you to tell me what you're doing while you're doing it.

MONICA: Alright, well I'm tearing the lettuce.

INTERVIEWER: Uh-huh. Is it dirty?

MONICA: Oh-oh, no no don't worry, I'm gonna wash it.

INTERVIEWER: Don't, I like it dirty.

MONICA: That's your call.


Monica在求职简历(resume)中显然是撒了谎,不过这样带来了很好的幽默效果,因为当面试官问及简历的证明人(reference)时,她说是Chandler。简历还可以用CV来表示,即Curriculum Vitae。但事实上resame与CV无论从篇幅的长短、简历的内容还是从简历的目的来看都是有一定区别的。请大家参考下面这段英文。The primary differences between resume and CV are the length.the content and the purpose.A resume is a one or two page summary of your skills,experi。ence and education.A goal of resume writing is to be brief and concise since,at best,the resume reader will spend a minute or so reviewing your qualifications(资格,条件).

A Curriculum Vitae.commonly referred to as CV,is a longer(two or more pages),more detailed synopsis(概要)。也就是CV的篇幅要长一些,大概要两页或更多,它是一种较为详细的履历。It includes a summary of your educational and academic backgrounds as well as teaching and research experience,publications,presentations,awards,honors,affiliations and other details(CV包括求职者在教育和学术背景方面的大概情况,同时包括教学及科研经历、作品发表、演讲次数、奖励、荣誉、何协会成员以及其他细节)。aff liations相当于memberships。

Curriculum Vitae(CV)通常是在应聘学术性、国际性或科研等机构的职位时常用的一种履历。在撰Curriculum Vitae的时候,要尽量作到五个C:

·Clear-well-organized and logical

·Concise-relevant and necessary

·Complete-includes everything you need

·Consistent-don't mix styles or fonts



1.Heading Name:address(es),and phone number(s).including area code(s)

2.Education:Listing of academic degrees beginning with the degtee in progress or most recentlv earned.(从正在攻读的学位或最近取得的学位开始列明。)

Include:name of institution,city and state,degree type(B.A.,B.S.,M.A.,ete.)and area of concentration,month and year degree was(will be) reeeived.

Note:You may wish to inelude the title(using the format appropriate to your particular academic field)of your thesis.
If you are an undergraduate and your GPA is 3.5 or higher,it is appropriate to include it.

学位大概有B.A.(文学学士),B.S.(理学学士),M.A.(文学硕士)等。其他如M.S.(理学硕士),PhD(哲学博士),L.L.B(法学学士),J.M.(法律硕士),J.D.(法律博士),L.L.M.(法学硕士),J.S.D.or S.J.D(法学博士),M.B.A(工商管理硕士)等等。)title of your thesis是指“毕业论文题目”;GPA是Grade Point Average的缩略语,即“平均分”。

3.Certifications:List all relevant certifications and the year received.

4.Honors and Awards:Receipt of competitive scholarships,fellowships,and assistantships;names of scholastic honors;teaching or research awards.

Listing of positions (part-time,full-time,volunteer,temporary and permanent)related to the type of work sought.Include:department,firm,agency,or orgamzation;complete name;city and state;job/position title;dares;also include a brief description of youractivities/duties,using strong action verbs.List these in reverse chronological order.

List these in reverse chronological order是指:“将上述信息用倒叙的方式列明”,即从最近,如2006年1月写起。

6.Other Experience:Groupings of other experiences(including volunteerwork and/or internships)can enhanee your CV.
Your experience can also be broken into other categories such as:Teaching,Counseling,Administration,

Volunteer,Community,Internship,etc.Entries within each section should be in reverse chronological order.internships指“实习”;entries指“各条”;chronological order指“按照年代顺序”。

7.Grants Received:Include name of grant;name of granting agency;date received:title or purpose of research project,etc.Grants Received指“所得资助”。

8.Professional Associations:Memberships in national,regional,state,anc local professional organizations should be listed.Also list significant appointments to positions or committees in these associations.Student memberships in professional associations are appropriate.

9.Publications:Give bibliographic citations(using the format appropriate to your Darticular academic discipline) for articles,pamphlets, chapters in books,research reports,or any other publications that you have authored or co-authored.

In fine arts areas,this can include descriptions of recitals and art exhibits.Give bibliographic citations是指注明所发表作品的出处。

10.Presentations:Give titles of professional presentattions(using the format appropriate to your particular academic discipline);name of conference or event;dates and location;if appropriate in your discipline,also include a brief description.Presentations should be listed in reverse chronological order.

11.Recent/Current Research:Description of research projects recently conducted or in progress.Include the type of research and a brief description of the purpose.research projects recently conducted or in progress是指“最近完成的或正在芷行的科研项目”。

12.Institutional Service:List institutional committees you have served on,including offices held,student groups you have supervised,or special academic projects you have assisted with.Institutional Service指“在何机构供职”。

13.Courses Taught:List the names of courses you have taught,institution and dates where taught,and brief course descriptions.

14.Community Involvement:Appropriate and relevant volunteer work,church work,community service organizations,etc.Community Involvement指“社区义工经历”。

15.Educational Travel:Names of countries,dates,purpose(typically,only include if relevant to the position/grant for which you are applying).

16.References:Optional to end vita with statement“Available upon Request".Available upon Request表示“(资料/证书)备索”。有时也说“Furnished upon Request”.Vita是简历。

17.Qualifications or Skills:A summary of particular or relevant strengths or skills which you want to highlight.Typically,this is not included as a separate section,but addressed in other sections.Occasionally,however,it may be appropriate to list special computing or language skills.

除简历外,求职还要求职信(cover letter),求职信在应聘中同样很重要。大概是由于求职信要放到CV之前的缘故,所以在英文中,求职信(cover letter)事实上就是“封面信”的意思。

Although a Resume or CV is a complete record of your accomplishments,a cover letter should accompany your vitae to personalize your experience.Cover letters for positions that request a CV may exceed the one-page rule,but clarity and conciseness are important.The goal of the cover letter is to highlight and elaborate on pertinent themes using your own writing style.Remember that the quality of your writing will be examined.

这段英文中clarity and conciseness是说要“简明扼要”。此外,求职信要通过您自己的写作风格来突出重点,并阐明相关主题。

既然求职信的写作等细节也是用人单位主考官考虑的因素,那么,您不妨将您的CV以及Cover Letter投出去之前,请您身边的朋友们先读两遍,仔细校对(proof reading and editing)一番。然后再将它们打印出来。

Your CV and cover letter should be word-processed on white resume paper.The envelope should always be a standard,business-sized of matching color.Unless your writing is extremely neat and easy to read,you should type your envelopes,by full name and title,specifically to the person you identified in your cover 1etter.


2-14-2 毕业舞会prom


you know what this is ,this is us getting ready tor the prom .Ross马上显得神色凝重,

RACHEL: I can't go to my own prom without a date, I can't, it's too late.

MONICA: If you're not going then I don't want to go either.

ROY: Oh, I'm gonna kick Chip's ass.

MRS. GELLER: [to Ross on the stairs] I have a wonderful idea. You should take Rachel to the prom.

ROSS: Doubtful.

MRS. GELLER: Jack, give me that. Talk to your son.

MR. GELLER: Your mother's right. Take her, you can wear my tux.

ROSS: Dad, she won't want to go with me.

MR. GELLER: Of course she would, you're a college man.


prom是指中学的毕业舞会。在美国,毕业舞会可是同学们的头等大事,一般被认为是一个非常正规的舞会,通常在中学的倒数第二年(second-to-last year)或最后一年举行。倒数第二年也称为junior year,最后一年也称为senior year,因此,毕业舞会有junior prom和senior prom,多激情况下毕业舞会在最后一年举行,因而prom大多是senior prom的简称。

这个prom可不是个普通的party,而是特别正式。男孩子得穿正式的互服并打领结(tuxedos with bowties),有时腰间要系上亮色的(brightly colored)腹带或背心(cummerbunds or vests)。还要找一个舞伴,找不到的话很没面子。这是学生们成长阶段重要的里程碑。

参加prom的女孩子通常穿晚礼服(formal gowns or dresses),并带有其date(约会对象)送给他们的小花束(corsage)。女孩子通常会打扮得夸张一些,以吸引人们的注意,她们中有人会穿low cut dresses,shiny or brightly colorcd fabrics,unusual cuts,or formal pants out fits。

舞会上通常还会选出prom queen,有幸获此殊荣的girl将是众多女生羡慕的对象。riends中,Rachel在中学时代便是prom queen,以致若干年过去之后还有人为此耿耿于怀。


prom并非只属于中学生,有些大学里也举办proms,depending on the size of the graduating class in a faculty or department。

毕业舞会之夜(prom night)是一个重要的时刻,很多学生会担心是否会被邀请、能否找到一个date、穿什么衣服、怎么安排开支、是否需要饮酒或吸毒以及担心在这一个特殊的时候会不会发生性关系等等。因为参加舞会的都是年轻人,许多parents,teachers,or others usually act as chaperones for the
prom and after-prom activities。家长或老师充当chaperone(陪伴)的主要目的在于防止the occurrence of violence or alcohol/drug abuse。

美国影片中很多的青春剧都有prom的场景。许多人认为the prom is the mast romantic night of their lives。下面这篇《如何准备你的毕业舞会之夜》也许会对你有更多的启发。

How to Plan Your Prom Night

(Take the time to plan this event right-special touches will guarantee a festive and unforgettable evening.)


1.Plan your pre-dance dinner well ahead of time.Prom night is a popular night for local restaurants,so reserve a table for you and your date at least a month prior to the event.

2.Reserve transportation,whether it be via limousine,party bus or use of your parents’car.Call local sedan/Iimo services as well as charter bus services to find the best rates.

3.Buy your prom tickets with plenty of time to spare.Tickets do sometimes sell out for larger high schools,and prices tend to increase as the date of the dance draws near.

4.Ask a date.
Consider a classmate you've had your eye on.or simply aspecial friend.Prom should be enjoyed with someone you care about,so choose your date accordingly.

5.Rent a tux or purchase a prom dress.Shop around to gauge the best prtices for rental or purchase,and make sure you have plenty of time for any required alterations.

6.Purchase a boutonniere or corsage for your date.Call local florists toor:ter the arrangement based on your date's color scheme:boutonnieres and corsages should be picked up no sooner than one day prior to the dance,but you can order them ahead of time.


1.Don't forget your camera and some extra money for emergencies.

2.Avoid getting caught up in the pro-dance festivities and missing the majority of the rom.
You should spend at least a couple of hours at the event itself for maximum entertainment.


2-14-3 聊聊hang out


Monica翻出了n年前的一盘录像带,当时的Ross模样十分搞笑;他不但留着胡子,还仿效黑人留了一头埃弗罗发型(即莲松发型),用英语说就是with an atro and moustache;当Rachel问他假期有什么打算时,
他竟说“继续钻研音乐事业”(work on my music):这让看录像带的众人有些纳闷,
Ghandler就说:Work on your music?意思是“哥们,
你还会玩音乐? 开玩笑吧?”


ROSS: You look pretty tonight.

RACHEL: Oh, thanks. So, uh, what are you gonna do this summer?

ROSS: Oh, you know, I'm just gonna, I'm gonna hang out, work on my music.

RACHEL: [the shoulders of her dress keep falling off her shoulders] Is my hook unhooked? These things keep falling down, I can't. . .

ROSS: Uh, hold, let me see, I don't know. So what're you gonna do. . . [doorbell rings]

RACHEL: Oh, the guys are here.

ROSS: this summer?


hang out的意思主要有,“把(衣服等)挂在露天;挂出;探出身子;(树枝等)伸出;坚持;闲逛”等意思。

不过,在口语中,hang out尤其常表示“To spend time with(your friends),doing nothing in particular”,常用作hang out with sb.表示“与某人一起闲逛打发时间”。一起看电影、远足、看录像带、上网、打球都可以叫做hang out。例如:After this is over,do you want to go hang out?(这个完了后,想出去逛会儿吗?)Where do you usually hang out?(你常去哪里消遣?)这里的hang out本意就是spend time,kill time,并没有什么特别的目的,只是散散心,各处逛逛。再如:Do you mind one of my classmates hanging out with us?(介意带我同学一起出去玩吗?)I like to hang out in a quiet place where I can talk to my friends.(我喜欢在安静的地方呆着,和朋友一起聊天。)

下次,如果有人问你平时都干什么时,你可以说:Well,hang out with friends,go for pizza,that sort of things.这种表达方法当然要地道得多,我们这时就可避开千篇一律的go out with my friends这类死板的表达。

在表示与朋友一起玩时,这里的朋友可以是任何人,而不必要非得是你的boy friend或girlfriend。

hang out有时还有“稍等片刻、等一等”
(to pass time while you’rewaiting)的意思,例如:

—Hurry up.

I'm not ready yet.Just hang out for a minute.(=just wait for a few mirutes.)