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The One Where Ross and Rachel...You Know


Joey buys a big screen TV and two leather reclining chairs; he and Chandler don't move from them for days. Phoebe helps Monica cater a party at the home of Dr. Richard Burke, an old friend of the Gellers, who recently divorced. Despite their age difference, Richard and Monica begin dating. Ross and Rachel begin dating.

One of their dates is interrupted when Ross is paged to the museum. By the time he's done with work, their plans are ruined, so they spend the night together in the museum. Joey and Chandler watch Beavis and Butthead.





2-15 “小便”英语


Joey自从在肥皂剧《我们生活的日子》(Days ot Our Cite,一译《光辉岁月》)扮演了Drake Remore医生后, 事业便一直如日中天。他不但还清了欠Chandler的钱,还买了新沙发、新电视。不过,两人一下子成了couch potato,一个劲儿地躺在沙发上看电视,看什么呢?Chandler说:Now we can tinally watch
Green Acres the was meant to be seen.原来,他想看Green Acres,就是《绿色田野》,20世纪60年代的一个老片子……

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment. They're still in their chairs watching TV. Chandler is ordering a pizza.]

CHANDLER: Uh, two larges, extra cheese on both. But listen, don't ring the buzzer for 19, ring 20, Geller-Green, they'll let you in, OK. If you buzz our door, there's no tip for you. OK, thanks. Pizza's on the way. I told you we wouldn't have to get up.

JOEY: What if we have to pee?

CHANDLER: I'll cancel the sodas.



比较文雅、正式的(standard)说法有urinate,make water以及pass water;例如:

I need to go make water.(我得去小便)。

After drinking two glasses of water,I had a strong urge to urinate.(喝过两杯水后,我特别想去小便。)

urinate的名词是urine;urinate就是to pass urine from the body。我觉得pass water很有意思,中文里“放水”也恰好正有此意。

委婉的说法(euphemisms)有wee,wee-wee,小朋友可能会说,need a wee-wee,或want to do a wee,就是说“要小便”。pee也算比较委婉,如:I want to pee(我想去解小便);take,have,need等词后面可以跟a pee或a wee 来表示小便。所以,peec和wee可以做动词,也可以用作名词。有意思的是,“Pee-pee”is juvenile slang referring to the penis.

与汉语相似,英语可以用do a number one或go number one来表示“去一号”;此外,relieve oneself,go see a man about a horse/dog这两个短语也表达同样的意思。例如:

The puppy relieved itself in the middle of the floor.(小狗仔在地板的正中处撒了泡尿。)再如:Excuse me,I've got to go see a man about a horse.这句话事实上与人、马毫无关系,还是表示要去卫生间。

据笔者检索,Seeing a man about a horse或者seeing a man about a dog,都有去卫生间的意思。甚至有资料还显示,在19世纪晚期的时候,to see a man about a dog还有to visit a woman for sexual purposes的意思,很是有趣。不过,该词组在今天一般还是to go to the bathroom的意思。

一般当人们问:Where are you going?或者What's your destination?时,如果你正是这个意思,可照此回答。

这个短语的变体(variations)有很多,例如:Go see a dog about a horse,go and
see a dog about a man,go and shoot a dog,go and feed a dog,go and feed the goldfish,go and mail a letter and go to one's private office等等。

上面讲了一种比较正式、一种比较婉转的讲法,下面我们再看看比较粗俗的(vulgar)讲法。最粗俗的首推piss这个词,前面我们已经说过,这个词是“七大脏词”之一。另外,to piss off是另一个很不礼貌的常用俚语,常指“生气”。例如:He pissed me off.意思是He made me very angry.

其他表示这个意思的类似的词有:micturate,drain the lizard,take a leak,have a leak,have a piss,have a slash,point Percy at the porcelain,see a man about the plumbing,slash,splash one's boots,take a piss,piddle,puddle,spend a penny,take a whizz,whizz以及take care of business,do one's business,urine,urination等。
