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The One Where Joey Moves Out


Chandler and Joey attend a party thrown by one of the other actors on Days of Our Lives. He happens to be moving out, so he offers to let Joey have his apartment.

Having never lived alone, Joey decides to take him up on it, which disheartens Chandler. Phoebe and Rachel decide to get tattoos; their decision is complicated by the facts that Ross doesn't like tattoos and Phoebe doesn't like needles.

Ross, Monica, and Richard go to Jack Geller's birthday party. Everyone is buzzing with rumors of Richard's young new girlfriend (also known as his "twinkie in the city"). Monica hides in the bathtub; her parents come into the bathroom and fool around. Later, Monica reveals her relationship with Richard to her parents.






2-16 Joey不讲卫生



[Joey finishes his cereal, licks his spoon, and puts it back in the silverware drawer.]

CHANDLER: Waaa-aaah.

JOEY: What?

CHANDLER: The spoon. You licked and-and you put. You licked and you put.

JOEY: Yeah, so.

CHANDLER: Well don't you see how gross that is? I mean that's like you using my toothbrush. [Joey gets a sheepish look] You used my toothbrush?

JOEY: Well, that was only 'cause I used the red one to unclog the drain.

CHANDLER: Mine is the red one! Oh God. Can open, worms everywhere.

JOEY: Hey, why can't we use the same toothbrush, but we can use the same soap?

CHANDLER: Because soap is soap. It's self-cleaning.

JOEY: Alright, well next time you take a shower, think about the last thing I wash and the first thing you wash.


gross在俚语中常表示“恶心、肮脏”(disgusting),或“粗鲁、粗俗”(rude,vulgar,obscene)之意。例如:I can't believe how gross some people are.例如 ,有人吃饭后,用手剔牙,抠鼻孔,想想“多恶心啊”,用英语说就是How gross!这两个词经常连在一起用。不过,有些东西吧,这个人觉得gross,另外一个人可能认为很正常,所以涉及到How gross is gross?这个问题。

仔细看看下面这句话中的how gross还是上述的意思吗?This lesson explores how gross domestic product(GDP)is determined.这句话的意思是“这节课探讨如何确定国内生产总值。”gross domestic product表示“国内生产总值”,即GDP;gross national product表示“国民生产总值”,即GNP;"gross在这里表示“the whole amount;entire;total”等意思。在这个意义上,还有如:gross margin,它是“毛利”的意思,指销售额与销售成本之间的差额,gross weight表示“毛重”,净重是net weight。
gross用作动词时,表示“总共赚得”。例如:The company grossed over $5,000,000 last year.(该公司去年总共获利在500万美元以上。);再如:The movie grossed three million on the first weekend.(这个片子在第一个周末赚了300万。)gross在作形容词时,还表示“重大的”,如:gross abuse of discretion严重滥用职权等。

此外,gross还是个计数单位,即“罗”,1 gross=12 dozen,即144个。
本节中,值得一提的还有Chandler的这句:Can open,worms everywhere.堪称经典。为此,笔者请教了数位外国朋友。

To open a can of worms means to raise a whole lot of new and different questions about something;这与潘多拉的盒子不是一回事,not exactly like Pandora's Box which when opened let a lot of troubles into the world.不过你不妨想象一下:Imagine filling a can with wriggling worms,when you opened it they'd go in all directions!You'd be chasing them all over the place.所以,在这种语境下,In this context it means“My God,what else have you done?How can I explain this to you,you moron”,你这个弱智!因而,“罐子一开,虫子遍地”实际上是指,发现一个问题后,其他问题接踵而至。

We also say“that's a whole new cna of worms”means now I need to explain a

lot more background or new issues.