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The One Where Dr. Ramoray Dies


Chandler's roommate, Eddie, begins to show signs of instability: He's obsessed with his ex-girlfriend; he accuses Chandler of sleeping with her, and of killing his fish. Richard wonders how many men Monica's been with, after Phoebe announces that it's been "a lot." This leads Ross and Rachel to a similar discussion.

Monica has Richard sleep over on the same night that Rachel has Ross sleep over. Unfortunately, there's only one condom in the apartment. Joey's claim in Soap Opera Digest that he writes a lot of his own lines angers the show's writer, who decides to have Dr. Ramoray fall down an elevator shaft.






2-18当nuts骗子 insane


Joey 摇身一变,一夜之间成了“大腕儿”,在他搬出去住后,Eddie搬入Chandler的房间成了室友,但此君突然表现个分反常,他怀疑Chandler 和他的前女友ex-ginltniend)发生了那种关系,神经质地一口咬定是Chandler 弄死了他养的金鱼,还反过采骗他玩,Chandler 只觉冤枉至极, 有口难辩,恕道: this is nuts. this is cnazy! 神经病嘛,这哪跟哪啊!


[Scene: Chandler and Eddie's apartment.]

CHANDLER: Eddie, I didn't sleep with your ex-girlfriend.

EDDIE: That's very interesting, ya know, 'cause that's exactly what someone who slept with her would say.

CHANDLER: This is nuts. This is crazy. She came over for like two minutes, dropped off a fish tank, and left, end of story.

EDDIE: Where's Buddy?


EDDIE: My fish, Buddy.

CHANDLER: There was no fish when she dropped it off.

EDDIE: Oh, this is, this is unbelievable. I mean, first you sleep with my ex-girlfriend then you insult my inteligenct by lying about it and then you kill my fish, my Buddy?


表示“疯”或“精神不正常”的说法很多,比如nuts,crazy以及insane等。nut的意思是“坚果、螺母、螺帽、难解的问题”。但是nut同时又是一个带有贬义的俚语(a derogative slang term),指“发疯的人、疯子”(a crazy person);此外,nut还有睾丸(testicle)或是男子、雄性动物射出的精液(male ejaculate)之意。

复数nut通常用来指“精神错乱状态”(a state of insanity)。nuts的使用似乎十分频繁。除此之外,通常还有“发疯的”或“胡说”等意思。Friends 第2季第6集中,Ross 的孩子Ben一见到Monica就哭,Monica伤心地认为Ben hates her。Chandler劝道:Monica,will you stop? This is nuts.(这简直是无中生有嘛。)

在Friends的第l0季中,还有一个 go nuts for somebody or something, 它的意思是“为某人而疯狂,对某事很狂热”。等于be crazy about somebody or something。例如:You are stunning tonight.Lots of man candies will go nuts for you.(你今晚太漂亮了。很多帅哥将为你而疯狂。)另外,
be nuts about/over somebody or something 是指:
to be very cnthusiastic about an obiect,activity or pcrson。

例如: The teens are nuts about computer games.
(青少年对电脑游戏很着迷。)此外,go nuts是一个大家口语中常说的,意为“崩溃,发疯,发狂”例如,His sister went nuts when she found out her husband had an affair with another woman.
(他姐姐发现丈夫有外遇时,崩溃了。) I’ll go nuts if l have to wait much longcr!(如果再等下去的话,我会发疯的!)

还有一个非常 popular 的口语表达“Nuts!”相当于“Crap!”或“Nonsense!”呸!胡说!(表示轻蔑、不满或拒绝)

与nut合成的词coconut表示“椰子”;nutshell 则有“坚果壳;简单扼要;简洁”等意思。

而 crazy 则指“疯狂的,狂热的”,如流行的“疯狂英语”是 CrazyEnglish;I’m crazy about you!是说“我疯狂地爱着你!”而Paying 100 bucks for a book is crazy.是说:“花一百块钱买一本书真是疯了。”关于 crazy一词,本书第三分册第“9-19 Chandler的周末计划”单元有更多的讲解,请读者参考。

insane 指“患有精神病的,疯狂的”。它的原意是形容一个人失去神智(sanity),比方说,“You are insane.”其实就是说“You have lost your mind.”(你疯了。)但 insane 这个字美国人却常常用在形容一件事情很不合理,甚至是到了有点荒谬 (absurd) 的地步。比方说吧,今天花了半小时居然还找不到停车位,这时候就可以说,“That’s insane!”(太荒谬了吧!)跟 insane 意思很接近的形容词还有 crazy,ridiculous,和absurd,这几个词汇各位不妨交互应用。

Friends 第2季第7集中,Monica 逼着 Chandler 每天大早锻炼,困得死去活来的 Chandler 说:She’s insane,the woman is insane.

美国刑法中有一种辩护事由 (criminal defense)称为“精神病”辩护(defense of insanity),这种辩护事由可以减轻或免除被告人的刑事责任(criminal responsibility)。

表示发疯的词还有:bats,batty,barmy,bonkers,buggy,crackers,daft,dotty,flip,haywire,kookie,kooky,loco,loony,loopy,around the bend,balmy,round the bend,wacky,whacky,nutty,fruity,cracked,mad,lose
one’s mind,go bananas,lose one’s marbles 等。