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The One Where Old Yeller Dies


Phoebe discovers that her mother used to shield her from the sad parts of movies, like Old Yeller. She rents all the movies her mother used to show her, and gets rather depressed and pessimistic. Ross, bothered that he's missing significant steps in Ben's development, takes Ben for a weekend. Ben says his first words.

At Monica's request, Chandler and Joey start spending time hanging out with Richard. Then they try to be more like Richard: Joey smokes cigars and Chandler grows a mustache. Richard starts to talk and dress like Chandler. They end up spending too much time together, until Richard discovers they view him as a father figure, rather than one of the guys. Rachel finds out that Ross has his future with her all planned out, and she panics.

(Old Yeller,1958年,以十九世纪为背景的家庭片,描述父亲不在时,小孩与他家猎狗共同为生活奋斗的感人故事。)





2-20和 Richard 交朋友


Monica 最终还是顶住了方方面面的压力,和 RicHard 确定了恋爱关系(go steady),
尽管 Richard 是 Mr. Geller 即 Monica 之父的朋友。
Monica 面临的困难还很多。比如,怎样才能让大家接受Richard 呢?
Richard 很努力,他尽量和 Chandler ,Joey 套近乎比如模仿他们的口吻、穿着等。不过, 这些努力还是无补于事,岁月不饶人啊……


CHANDLER: Oh hey listen, don't be mad at him, it's our fault. I'm sorry we've been hoggin so much of his time.

JOEY: Yeah, he's just really great to hang around with.


JOEY: No no, seriously, Chandler and I were just talkin about this. He is so much cooler than our dads. [Chandler starts kicking him below the table] I mean, you know, our dad's are ok, ya know, but Richard is just- ow, ow. What are you kickin me for? Huh? I'm tryin to talk here.

RICHARD: Uh, you guys see me as a dad?

JOEY: Oh yeah.


JOEY: Nooooo.

CHANDLER: Your just, your just clearly not familiar with our young persons vernacular. See, when we say dad, we mean buddy. We mean pal.

RICHARD: Uh-huh, yeah.


在这一讲中,我们要更为细致地讲讲 friends 的种种说法,我有一个问题,How do you call or address your friends? 事实上,在活生生的英语中,称兄道弟的说法的确很多,常见的诸如 buddy,friend,pal,man,dude,fellow, brother,mate,intimate,guys,boys,girls,甚至还有:comrade,soul mate (最佳拍档),old flame (老相好)等等。不太常见的有:amigo,chum, crony, confidant,confidante,sidekick 等等。

buddy 表示“老兄,老弟”,是一种耳熟能详的称呼 (address),特别是用于对男人或男孩子的称呼。例如:Watch it,buddy.它的复数形式是 buddies,buddy 还可以用作不及物动词。如:buddied around with the older guys.与它相关的词组有 buddy up,意思是“巴结、讨好”。例如:He buddied up to the coacb in hopes of making the team.

有趣的是 Former President Clinton’s dog 也叫 Buddy (巴迪).pal 同样既可以作名词,也可以作不及物动词,复数是 pals,过去式palled。pal 作为“好朋友、好兄弟、好哥们/姐们”这一意思来源于吉普赛语(Romany word)。

Friends 第l季第18集中,Ross 曾对 Rachel 说,玩牌就是要赢钱。有人赢钱,就得让别人输钱。和他玩牌别指望他手下留情,因为他会六亲不认。请看下面一段对话:

Chandler:Oh,come on.What was with that whole Black Bart speech?

(mimicking)“When I play poker,I’m not a nice guy!”


Ross:You are way off,pal.


Joey:No,I don’t think so,see Ross, because I think you love her.


Chandler 仍然拿 Ross 对 Rachel 所说的六亲不认之类的话开玩笑,Ross 只好说:You are way off,pal.
(哥们,别瞎扯了。)如果听到别人对你说:You are way off. 那就意味着你的想法或做法不对,或者说你完全错了。比如:I think you’re way off.Try again.
(我看你的做法不对头,再试试看。) 如果你百试仍毫无结果,那你得到的答复应该是:Sorry.You are way off.You should just give up.(真遗憾,你完全错了,你就死心吧!)

但如果朋友这样评价你的观点:Your idea is really way out.这说明你的想法很奇特。新新人类通常会 prefer way-out clothes,hairdo,even music.(喜欢希奇古怪的着装、发型甚至是音乐)。受到别人的否定,情绪会非常消沉,这时你可以用 way down 来表示这种情绪。比如:Poor Norma is way down.I think she has something wrong with her.(可怜的诺玛垂头丧气的,我想她出了什么事。)

Chandler 是 Ross 的朋友,所以被亲密地称呼为 pal (哥们;老兄;兄弟)。对陌生男性也可以用 pal。Look,pal,I was in line in front of you! (喂,老兄,我刚才排在你前面的!) 如果你经常跟老外交流,你就会发现英语口语中对男性的称呼有多种。

称呼关系亲密的人不但可以用 pal,也可以用 palsy-walsy。如果朋友在自找麻烦,你可以这样说他:Look here,palsy-walsy,you’re asking for trouble! (我说,兄弟,你是在自找麻烦呐!)

此外,man 也有异曲同工之效:Hey,man,take it easy! (嗨!老弟,别紧张!)但 man 也可以用来表示“不满、不耐烦”等:Wake up,man,you can’t sleep all day! (醒醒,老兄,你不能整天睡觉呀!)

buster 这个称呼也包含两层含义,一层是表示友好:Thanks a million,buster. (多谢了,伙计。)另外一种则表示不客气:Well,buster,it’s time you
learned some manners.(喂,小子,你该懂点礼貌了。)

dude 有几个意思,其一:在美国西部旅行的东部人 (An Easterner or city person who vacations on a ranch in the West.);其二:花花公子(A man who is vcrv fancv or sharp in dress and demeanor.);其三,好朋友,它可以指任何性别的人。例如:Friend A:Hey man,how are you? Friend B:Not bad,dude. dude 如果用作动词,一般是指穿成花里胡哨的样子,如:got all duded up for the show.

当然,如果借助身体语言 (body language),dudc 一词可以表示很多意思,例如:摇着头说 duuuuuude,就表示 Shame on you!如果有人在睡觉,你去跟前喊 dooooooooode,意思是Wake up!

mate 也有“兄弟、伙计”的意思,一般用来称呼男性。不过,美国人多用buddy,pal,man 或者dude。“Mate” is primarily used in the UK and Australia. 在英联邦国家,mate 使用的频率要高得多。

fellow 这个词要正式一些 (a bit more formal),例如,当你和好几个人打招呼时,可以说:Hey,fellows,how’s it going?

有一点需要指出的是,native speakers 在使用 buddy 或 pal 时,有时也称呼他们/她们不认识的人,多数情形下,说话人的口吻带有讽刺意味。例如:有一次,Phoebe 在向窗外看的时候,说:Oh,hey,you guys,look! Ugly Naked Guy is putting stuff in boxes! 这时,Rachel说:I’d say from the looks of it;our naked buddy is moving.再如:

— Hey buddy,watch where you’re going!

— Look,pal,don’t get an attitude with me or I’ll call security.


We’re fricnds/pals/buddies (or buds),aren’t we?

Friends/fellows,l propose a toast:to world peace!(弟兄们,我提议一杯,为世界和平干一杯!)

Excuse me,friend/sir (you might say this to someone you don’t know),

could you tell me where Main Street is?

另外,汉语中的酒肉朋友可用英语 fair-wcather fricnd,表示风和日丽时的朋友,例如:A fair-weather friend will not contact you during your time of hardship.


The bird a nest;the spider a web;man fficndship.(William Blake);

Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.(Helen Keller);

What is a friend? A single soul in two bodies.(Aristotle)

A friend is best found in adversity.