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The One With The Jellyfish


Ross dumps Bonnie, which takes all night; she leaves in the morning. Meanwhile, Rachel writes a long letter to Ross that she needs him to read before they get back together; he tries to read it but falls asleep... then has to fake it when she asks him about it; Ross agrees with the letter before he finds out what it says; once he finds out the letter asks him to accept the breakup was all his fault, he's not sure he can keep up the charade. Phoebe is upset that her real mother never tried to contact her; she tells her mother she never wants to see her again, but her mother finally convinces her to reconcile. Ursula knew about their real mother all along, but never told Phoebe. Monica, Chandler, and Joey spend the day on the beach; Joey digs a hole; Monica gets stung by a jellyfish. Joey remembers that peeing on a jellyfish sting takes the pain away; Monica "can't bend that way" and Joey gets "Stage Fright," leaving Chandler. Ross can't stand hiding his feelings and he and Rachel break up again.







Ross 最终还是有点放不下 Rachel, 他决定和 Bonnie 分手;Rachel 给 Ross 写了一封长信,18页,正反面 (tront and back),Ross 嘴上说 very exciting,心里却暗暗叫苦, 这份“作业”如何才能做好? 果然,Ross 在看信的时候还是抵挡不住夜半时分的困意,睡着了。信的主要内容是针对 Ross 的“过错”,但 Ross 对这部分内容毫不知情,糊里糊涂地回答 Rachel 他同意信中的内容。
Rachel 以为 Ross 能承认错误,很有进步!也是糊里糊涂地夸奖了Ross,她说“I was so nervous about that letter.But the way you owned up to everything,it just showed me how much you've grown.” 她还说,实践证明,妈妈的话是错误的。妈妈常和,关系再度告吹。

Ross: (stopping suddenly and getting up) Okay, I gotta go.
Rachel: Whoa! What?! Why?!
Ross: Well, I-I gotta go break up with Bonnie.
Rachel: Here?! Now?!
Ross: Well, yeah. I can't--I can't stay here all night, and if I go in there she's--she's gonna wanna... do stuff.
Rachel: Well, can't you tell her that you are not in the mood?


这集主要讲in the mood这个短语。首先,in the mood在英语中表示“feel like",想要干某事(disposed or inclined toward something),例如,I'm in the mood for a good long walk.(我想好好走走。)He's in the mood to go to the beach,so am I.(他想去海滩,我也是。) ‘


后,鼻青脸肿,眼睛似乎也要突出来了。Joey说:“Uhh,look,your eye's still popping out a little,I'm gonna go get some ice.”(哦,你的眼睛还突出来着呢,我去弄点冰来!)这时,Phoebe接了句话,她说:“Oh,ice!I am so in the mood for ice!”(噢,冰!我正想吃点冰!)

A:Hi,What's up?(嗨,你好!)
B:Well,I was wondering if you'd like to go for a bite?(嗯,我在想你是否想去吃点什么?)
A:Sure.What did you have in mind?(好啊,你想吃点什么啊?)
B:I'm in the mood for Italian.(我想吃点意大利菜。)
This phrase is also put in the negative.例如:I am not in the mood to argue.(我没有心情争辩。)
Rachel说:Well,can't you tell her that you are not in the mood?(嗯,你就不能告诉她说你现在没心情吗?)如果想说没心情干某事的时候,可以说:I am not in the right mood.或者You know what?I'm really not in the mood.

还有一个单词moody,它是“情绪化”的意思;你知道梁朝伟、张曼玉的《花样年华》英文怎么说吗?叫做In the Mood for Love。

经典对白之二:4-01-2 宝贝英语


Phoebe 的生母突然冒了出来,原来 Phoebe 在出生时被父母抛弃,后来她的继母自杀,继父在监狱服刑;Phoebe 对突然冒出来的妈妈感到难以接受,心情很难过,没有想到的是她的姐蛆其实早就知道这件事,
但却没有告诉她。倒是 Monica 等很想安慰安慰 Phoebe,可 Phoebe 想一个人待着。


Monica: (closing the fridge in disgust) Shoot! We're out of soda.
Chandler: (jumping up) Oh, I'll go out and get you some.
Monica: Really?!
Chandler: Nope! Because I'm not your boyfriend. (to Phoebe, who's entering) Hey Pheebs, how did it go?
Phoebe: Well, umm, my Mom's friend, Phoebe, is actually my birth Mom.
(The gang is shocked.)


大家会注意到Friends中亲昵的称呼比比皆是,常见的有honey,baby,babe,sweet heart,darling,sweetie,dear,beloved等,甚至可以叫apple,strawberry,chocolate等。

(surprise,mild annoyance,or disappointment)。

此外,shoot还有“快说!”的意思,常用在祈使句(imperative)中,不过,此时的shoot是不及物动词!例如:I know you have something to tellme,so shoot!(我知道你有话要跟我讲,那就快说!)
out of sth.则表示“什么东西没有了,用完了”。soda是指“碳酸饮料"