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The One With The 'Cuffs


Chandler and Joey try to make due with patio furniture and a canoe as their only furnishings. Chandler bumps into Joanna (Rachel's boss) and they go out again... and end up having quite a fling; while sneaking into Joanna's office, Rachel finds Chandler half naked and hand-cuffed to a chair. Monica caters her mother's party and "pulls a Monica" when she loses a fake nail in one of the quiches. A salesman tries to sell Joey encyclopedias, but Joey just can't afford a whole set.







一天,Joey 的 apartment 里来了一位 salesman,这个人上来就问他:Are you the decision maker ot thehouse?这句话问得很有技巧,碰巧被问的人是Joey;Joey 还没缓过劲儿来,这个人已经进门了。原来这个salesman 是推销百科全书(encyclopedia)的,这人问了Joey 一个问题,可谓一针见血,说到了他的痛处。他问:Do your triends evey have a conversation and you just nod along even though you're not really sure what they're talking about? Joey的脑子中马上浮现出一个接一个的片段,

这个人终于说服了Joey,不过 Joey能买得起吗?

Joey: Wow! There's a lot I didn't know about vomit. (The duck comes to the door of the bathroom, quacking.) (To the duck) In a minute. (The duck goes back into the bathroom.)

The Salesman: So, what do you say, Joey? You get the whole set of encyclopedias for twelve hundred dollars, which works out to just 50 bucks a book!

Joey: Twelve hundred dollars? You think I have $1200? I'm home in the middle of the day, and I got patio furniture in my living room. I guess there's a few things you don't get from book learnin?

The Salesman: Well ah, what can you swing?

Joey: How about zero down and zero a month for a long, long time?

The Salesman: You don抰 have, anything?

Joey: You wanna see what I got? (He gets up to empty out his pockets) Okay? I抳e got a baby Tootsie Roll, a movie stub, keys, a Kleenex, a rock, and an army man. Hey!

The Salesman: Okay, I-I get the picture. Uh, thanks, for your time. (Starts to leave)

Joey: And a 50. (The salesman stops suddenly) Huh, these must be Chandler抯 pants.

The Salesman: For 50 bucks, you can get one book! What will it be? A? B? C?


推销员首先问 Joey 是否知道 Van Gogh (梵高),接着问Pope (罗马教皇)住在哪里? Joey 回答说:“In the woods.”,但是他马上意识到自己可能回答错了,就给自己解围,说:No wait—wait,that's the joke answer.事实上,Pope 住在 Vatican City (梵蒂冈城)。如此这般后,推销员的结论是:You need these books.

Zero Down 即 Zero Down Mortgage,是指“无首期贷款”。Joey 从口袋中掏出的Tootsie Roll 是美国一种著名的巧克力太妃糖,Kleenex 是卫生纸的一个品牌(克里内克丝面巾纸),中文商标是“舒洁”,它是金佰利公司旗下的世界知名品牌,现在可以称得上是卫生纸的代名词。

What can you swing是指“你能负担多少?”swing在这里是个及物动词,表示to manage or arrange successfully,即“应付得来,成功安排”,例如swing a deal就有“做成一笔买卖”的意思。

I get the picture.是指“我明白是怎么回事了”。问句就可以是:Do
you get the picture?

显然,get the picture 是指“明白”的意思,picture 这里并非指“照片、图片”;英语中表示“明白”的词或短语还有“I see.”、“I got it.”、“I've
got it.”、“I get you.”、“I understand”、“I see your point.”等等。Get the
Picture 还曾经是20世纪90年代在美国电视节目中流行的一档节目。


4-03-2 Monica 不受妈妈的信任


Monice 的妈妈(Geller 太太)要开一个 Party,Monica 负责供应食物。
Gellet 太太担心 Monica 会咬指甲,所以力荐 Monica 戴上假指甲,
谁知等 Phoebe 发现的时候,只剩九个指甲。
原来,她不小心将假指甲掉在了某个乳蛋饼(quiche cup)
里了。Monica 本想在父母面前好好表现一下,但现在知道自己又闯了祸.
生怕母亲知道了会气疯(treak out),

Mrs. Geller: (entering) (to Monica) Honey, don't bite your nails.

Monica: Okay ah, please don't freak out. Umm, but ah, there's a blue fingernail in one of the quiche cups, and there's no way to know which one.

Phoebe: And! Whoever finds it wins the prize!

Mrs. Geller: (laughs) I'm not freaking out.

Monica: Then why are you laughing?

Mrs. Geller: It's nothing, it's just that now your Father owes me five dollars.


Monica 的妈妈向来对 Monica 没有信心,就连这次 Monica 为她供应食物她也不放心。她早就和 Monica 的父亲打了赌,赌的正是 Monica 一定会搞砸,这不,果然是妈妈赢了,所以她感到很高兴。不过,Monica 一定气坏了。

freak 这个词的使用频率很高,指“反复无常;怪人;怪事”等。例如,有一次,Ross 买了一条新皮裤 (leather pants),Chandler 很反对,不过Chandler 在大家面前一致配合说这条皮裤很好,不过 Chandler 一出门,当Ross问:Seriously,what do you think?

Joey:You look like a,freak.

Rachel:Awful,absolutely awful.

Phoebe and Monica 也给了一些否定性的评价 (negative comments)。

freaky 则指“畸形的;奇怪的”。在拉斯维加斯时,Joey 突然惊喜地发现有一个人的手和自己的一模一样 (identical hands twin),并且开心地认为这会带来无限商机。Joey 说:This is Vegas man! People will pay to see,freaky
stuff! Okay, how much would you pay to see this hand (Holds up his left
hand) twice? Chandler 顿了顿后说:Y'know,I—I can't really put a price on
that Joe.

而 freak out 则是指“发疯、发脾气”,’有时 out 可以省略,直接说:She is going to freak.
(她要发脾气了。) Friends 第四季第18集中,有一次,Rachel 和 Joshua 在房间约会,共进晚餐时,Joey 的宠物鸡和鸭的出现让Joshua很不自在。Joshua 马上站了起来,并躲得远远的。他说:Is there
ah,is there some way they can not be here.It's just ah,farm birds really
kinda freak me out! (有什么方法能让它们不在这儿吗? 这些家禽真的有些让我发疯!)

还有一次,感恩节快到了,Joey 在头上套了一个huge turkey,他本想吓唬吓唬(scare) Chandler,没想到火鸡却卡在了他的头上,取不下来了。这时,Phoebe说:Oh my God! Monica's gonna totally freak out!(哦,天呐! Monica 会气疯的!) 因为将人装扮成动物的情形是Monica最受不了的事情。(It's her pet peeve.)