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The One Where They're Going to PARTY!


Phoebe and Monica buy a van (with a mural, flashing nipples, and other "extras") for their catering business; Monica fills in for a food critic in a small local newspaper; after she gives a restaurant a scathing review, they offer her a job as the new head chef; she has to chose between it and the catering business. Ross and Chandler make plans to party with Gandolf, the party wizard; Gandolf cancels and Ross and Chandler are left bored, until Joey convinces them that they can party themselves. Rachel tries for a new position at work, but her boss doesn't quite cooperate.



疲 惫


Ross和Chandler 有个朋友叫 Gandot,这个人非常有趣, Ross说他是世界上最有趣的人
(the tunniest person in the world),大家都期待着他的到来,人们叫他
(Gandot the wizard)源自电影cord ot the Rings (
《魔戎》),但 Joey 竟然不知道。
然而, Gandot 被困在了Chicago,不能来 New york 了,大家很失望。Ross 说,Chicago 真幸运!
Joey: All right, so we'll get a little coffee, and get energized, and we'll head back out.
Chandler: Yeah, all right.
Ross: Okay.
Joey: So, we're having fun, right?
Chandler and Ross: Yeah.
Joey: We don't need that wizard guy. We hit a couple of clubs, talked to some strangers, and uh, after this, we'll head down to the docks and see about that boat thing.
Ross: I'm kinda beat.

Chandler: Actually, me too.


为了填补聚会不成的遗憾,Joey 带着 chandler 和 ROSS 出去散心,可依然没把他俩 cheer up 起来,Ross 说他有点 beat,其实是说他有点 worn-out,fatigued,或 exhausted,tired,意思就是感到很累。

beat 作“累”解的时候,多用在不太正式的英语之中,例如:

I'm dead beat after going through all this mass of details of the case!


Joey 其实是强装笑脸,哄他俩开心,当他听到 Ross 和 Chandler 都说“累”的时候,他问:Are you serious? 当他确定他俩人没有骗他的时候,他说:Thank God! I'm exhausted! 原来,他也累得不行了!

Joey 和 Ross 点了 coffee,但要的是 decaf,即:脱咖啡因咖啡或无咖啡因咖啡。他们不想to be up too late,想要睡得早点儿;Chandler 则要了一杯热水 (hot water),还要加点 lemon。看来大家的确是有点老了,一下子都难以缓过劲来。不过,Chandler 不这么想,他说这也很自然嘛,毕竟不是21岁的年龄了,已29岁了。他要舒舒服服地呆在沙发中,美美地看电视,睡足觉! Joey 则说,他希望和朋友到一个安静的地方一起待着说说话;Ross 说,他希望回家的时候,可以 throw on some Kenny G,and take a bath,意思是“听听Kenny G.的音乐,然后洗个澡。”Kenny G.大家也许没听过,但是他的 Going Home (《回家》) 大家一定很熟悉。

Joey 觉得大家的聊天有点太女人味了,他说:We're 29,we're not women.他的意思是“我们是29岁了,但我们又不是女人”,为什么把自己说的这么可怜呢?

有一次,同外教一同出去爬山,一名同事看到他很累 (beat),就说:Well.do you need a break? 意思是“你需要休息一下吗?”外教回答说:I
am already broken.意思是“我已经散架了。”