The One After Ross Says Rachel
Despite the fact that Ross said "Rachel" in his vows instead of "Emily," they go through with the wedding; but then Emily sneaks out the window at the reception and apparently never wants to see Ross again. Rachel fixates on the fact that "he said my name!" Chandler and Monica agree that their new relationship can only continue while they are away from home... but then have a very difficult time arranging to be alone together. While waiting at the airport in hopes that Emily will still show up for the honeymoon to Athens, Ross bumps into Rachel. She encourages him to go to Athens anyway; he invites her to come along. While boarding, Ross goes back to get his jacket and discovers that Emily has arrived and has witnessed the two of them preparing to leave together. Ross misses the flight; Rachel doesn't.
Ross和Emily的婚礼尽管费尽了周折,但最终逐是如期举行。现在,激动人心的时刻到了,牧师正在主持婚礼.他说:we are gathered to celebrate here today the joyous union ot Ross and
Ross: I Ross...
Minister: Take thee, Emily...
Ross: Take thee, Rachel...(All his friends have looks of shock on their faces. He realizes what he said. Quickly he says.) Emily. (A slight chuckle.) Emily.
Minister: (Looking and feeling awkward. he looks towards Emily.) Uhh...Shall I go on?
Rachel: (To the woman sitting in front of her) He-he said Rachel, right? Do you think I should go up there?
Emily: Yes, yes, do go on.
Minister: I think we'd better start again. Ross, repeat after me. I, Ross?
Ross: I, Ross?
Minister: Take thee, EM-I-LY?
Ross: Take thee, (Glares at the Minister) Emily. (Chuckles) Like there's be anybody else. (Emily is glaring at him.)
Minister: As my lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, till death parts us.
Ross: As my lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, until death parts us. Really, I do. Emily. (Points at her.)
结婚典礼(marriage ceremony)是人生的一大重要时刻,相信少男少女们都或多或少地想象过这个时刻。不管wedding的庆典形式是世俗的,还是宗教性质的,人们通常会在结婚的时刻举行仪式,庆祝一番。
按照西方的传统,新娘在结婚的时候会身着白色的婚纱(white wedding dress),象征婚姻的纯洁,这一习俗自维多利亚时代(Victorian era)形成后,一直延续至今。
我国的婚礼庆典现在是集现代与传统于一体(combining both tradi tional elements and elements in fluenced by the West),人们一般是先到民政部门的婚姻登记处登记结婚(registering the marriage with the local registrar),然后,才大摆喜筵(wedding reception/feast),宴请宾朋,一般亲戚朋友都要随礼。还有,现在的新郎新娘都会到婚纱店里照若干套价值不菲的婚纱照(wedding pictures)。目前,在中国,强迫婚姻(shot-gun wedding)也越来越少了。
婚礼的音乐包括德国作曲家Richard Wagner(理查德·瓦格纳)的Bridal Chorus(婚礼合唱),德国作曲家Felix Mendelssohn(费利克斯·门德尔松)的Wedding March(婚礼进行曲)等。
结婚誓词是新郎新娘在结婚仪式上向彼此做出的承诺。在西方文化中,誓训主要是围绕“无私”(unselfishness);“忠诚”(faithfulness);“天长地久”(pcrmanence),例如:as long as we both shall live,以及until death do us part;以及“同甘共苦”,如:for richer or for poorer,以及in sickness and in htealth等。
下面有7个结婚宣誓的样本(samples of wedding Vow wording),供大家参等。
1)I,(Bride/Groom),take you(Groom/Bride),to be my(wifie/ husband),to have and to hold from this day forward,for better or for worse,for richer,for poorer,in sickness and in health,co love and to cherish;from this day forward ontil death do us part.
2)I,(name),take you,(name),to be my[opt:lawfully wedded] (husband/wife),my constant friend,my faithful partner and my love from this day forward.In the presence of God,our family and friends,I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health,in good times and in bad,and in joy as well as in sorrow.I ptomise to love you unconditionally,to support you in your goals,to honor and respect yon,to laugh with you and cry With you,and to cherish yon for as long as we both shall liVe.
3)I(name),take you(name)to be my(husband/wife),my partner in lifc and my one true lore.I will cherish our uniorl and love you more each day than I did the day before.I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you,loving you faith fully through g00d ti mes and bad,regardless of the obstacles we may face together.I give you my hand,my heart,and my love,from this day forward for as long as we both shall livc.
4)In the presence of God and these our friends I take thee to be my husband/wife,ptomising with Di Vine assistance to be unto thee a loving and faithf.ul husband/wife so long as we both shall live.
5)I,(name),take you,(name),to be my friend,my lover,the (mother/father)of my children and my(husband/wife).I will be yours in times of plenty and in times of want,in times of sickness and in times of health,in times of joy and in times of sorrow,in times of failure and in times of triumph.I ptomise to cherish and respect you, to care and protect you,to com flort and encourage you,and stay with you,for all eternity.
6)I,(name),choose you(name)to be my(husband/wifle),to respect yOH in your successes and in your failures,to care for you in sickness and in health,to nurture you,and to grow with you throughout the seasons of 1ife.
7)I,(name),take you,(name),to be my partner,loving what I know of you,and trusting what I do not yet know. I eagerly anticipate the chance to grow together,getting to know the(man/woman)you will become,and falling in love a Iittle more every day.I promise to love and cherish you through whatcver life may bring us.
After both have said individual vows,they may wish to say something in unisoil such as:
Entreat me not to lcave vou,or to return from following after you.For where,you go I will go,and where you stay I will stay.Your people will be my pcople,and your God will be my God.And where you die,I will die and there 1 will be buried.
May the Lord do with me and more if anything but death parts you from me.