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The One With Joey's New Brain

While arranging the wedding, Monica and Chandler learn that Ross has a surprise in store: He's planning to play the bagpipes. His playing leaves much to be desired. Joey's comatose character on Days of Our Lives gets a brain transplant from the dying star, so he goes to her for advice. Rachel and Phoebe find a cell phone left behind by a cute guy, and wait for him to call so they can make a date with him. Unfortunately, the cell phone really belongs to the cute guy's elderly boss.





在Central Perk,Rachel和Phoebe 捡到一位帅哥的手机。两人都为帅哥着迷,为了能在逐手机时和他有进一步的接触,两人都狡尽脑汁想把手机拿到手。为了公平起见。 Rachel提议通过对比帅哥手机里储存的号码来找出诓跟他曼有共同点.胜者拥有手机。

Rachel: No Phoebe! You cannot get the phonethat way; that's not fair! Okay look, I have an idea. Why don't we, why don'twe see what kind of number he has on his speed dial, and then from that we cantell who has more in common with him. And then whoever does gets the phone.
Phoebe: Or, we can decide by whose ever nameis closer to the word phone.
Rachel: I don't think so.
Phoebe: (handing Rachel the phone) Fine allright, but I'd bet you'd be singing another tune if we were fighting over aratchet.


Phoebe的提议看谁的名字更接近“电话”这个词遭到了Rachel的反对,于是Phoebe说:but I'd bet you'd besinging another tune if we were fighting over a ratchet.(但我敢打赌如果我们争的是棘轮的话,你肯定会改变主意的。)因为ratchet这个词与Rachel的名字非常接近,所以Phoebe认为Rachel肯定会sing another tune。

美国口语中经常用sing another tune(也可用singa different tune或change one's tune)来表示“改变态度或看法”,例如:Though the manager of the inn greeted our group very heartily,when he found that we didn't have any money he very quickly changed his tune.(虽然那家旅店的老板非常热情地欢迎我们这帮人,但是当他知道我们连一分钱都没有的时候,他的态度马上就变了。)有孩子的家长经常会遇到这样的问题,即孩子不想让父母总把自己当成小孩子,他们有时甚至会说:You treat me like a kid now,but just you wait,I'mgoing to be a big man some day.You'll change your tune then.这句话用汉语理解就是:你现在总把我当成小孩子,但是,你等着瞧好啦。总有一天我会雄赳气昂地成为大男子汉的。到那时候,你的态度就会改变了。

tune还让我想起call the tune(有决定权)这条习语。英国有这样一个谚语:He who pays the piper calls the tune.(谁付吹笛钱,谁有点曲权。)本条习语就是由这一谚语的后半部分构成的。其实前半部分里边的pay the piper同样也是习惯用语。据说旧时在英国的bar和inn(一层卖酒的小旅馆)中,常有流动的吹笛子的人前来,由客人点曲,客人随着笛声载歌载舞。每当这种时候,谁“向吹笛者付钱的人(He who pays the piper)”谁就有“点曲(calls the tune)”的权利。后来这一谚语作为比喻意义广泛使用起来了。

首先举一个按谚语原形使用的例子:Once the government starts paying subsidies toprivate schools.It always begins to try toassert its control over them.After all,he who pays the piper calls the tune.(政府一旦开始向私立学校发补助金,它必然要坚持对那些学校的监督权。总之,谁付吹笛钱,谁有点曲权嘛。)其次举一个活用原形的例子。I don'tthink we should let Mr.Bigman invest so muchmoney in our company.If we let him pay that much to the piper,he'snaturally going to want to help call the tune.(我认为,我们不应该让Bigman先生向我们公司投入那么多的资金。如果我们让他出钱太多,他自然会索要一定的决策权了。)最后是单独使用call thetune的例=产:Bill has taken his father'splace as cornpany president,but I Suspect his father is still calling the tune.(Bill已经接替他的父亲当了公司的董事长,不过,我怀疑实权仍在当老子的手心里。)再如:Thoughstill with vast in fluence,America is no longerable to call the tune in Western Europe.(尽管美国对西欧仍然影响巨大,但已经不可能在那里发号施令了。)