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The One With The Sharks

Ross points out that Phoebe's never been in a long term relationship, which freaks her out just as she leaves on a date with Mike. Ross tracks down Mike later to explain why Phoebe was so disturbed, but just makes things worse with a fictional story about a six-year relationship she had. Chandler has to stay the weekend in Tulsa, so Monica flies there to surprise him. He's watching porn when she arrives, but he changes the channel quickly, which makes her think he gets off to shark documentaries. Joey meets a hot woman (Hayley) and starts dating her, but he recognizes her apartment and thinks he's slept with her before. She obviously doesn't remember it so he finally confronts her about it, only to find out he previously dated her roommate.

乔伊邂逅辣妹( 哈莉 )并开始约会她,到她的公寓后,乔伊惊觉自己曾同她交往过。哈莉对此似乎毫无印象,乔伊只得跟她摊牌——原来以前跟乔伊约会过的是她的室友。



9-04 Joey的新目标


Joey在这几个朋友当中可以说是最风流多情的一位了,在Central Park里他见了Monica就开始议论一位背对着他坐在吧台那边的一位女子,她到底是美眉还是恐龙呢? Monica走开后,Joey更是盯着那个蛄娘看,逐在猜测着她的容貌……

Joey: hot not hot (she turns around) Hot!

Hayley: excuse me?

Joey: I said I think you're hot and now I'm embarrassed.

Hayley: oh I thought you said Hi.

Joey: that would've been better, I'll try that Hi I'm Joey.

Hayley: I'm Hayley.

Joey: look I don't usually ask out women that I meet in coffeehouses


She is a beauty queen.(=very beautiful)
She is a cutie.(=pretty and attractive)
She is a dream boat.(=ideal type of woman)
She is a babe.(=very beautiful and attractive)
She is a fox.(=She is a foxy lady./She is sexy.)

而指男人英俊潇洒、作风奔放、有女人缘的词语有:a lady’s man,a prmce on a white horse,a Casanova,or womanizer.例如:
Mr.Lin has been considered a prince on a white horse.
He is a prin。ce in a shinning arnlour.
Many people think that Mr.Clinton is a real lady’s man.
As a Casanova,he has many girlfriends.
Casanova是意大利人,据说是超级美男子,他的全名是:Casanova de seingalt,Giobanni Giacomo。再有,如果casanova被当作普通名词用,c不必大写。

Her beauty has caused his knees to shake.
或者She made him feel up there in the clouds.
听谓的“情人眼里出西施”说成:Beauty is in the eyes of beholder.是因为世上的美或丑,只是主观的看法而已。