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The One With Ross's Inappropriate Song

Ross makes Emma laugh for the first time, by singing "Baby Got Back," which offends Rachel (until she finds she can't make Emma laugh any other way). Joey contemplates investing in an Emu farm, but Monica says he should invest in real estate, and suggests her ex-boyfriend Richard's apartment, which is up for sale. While Joey and Chandler look over Richard's apartment, Chandler finds (and steals) a video tape with Monica's name on it, worried about what might be on it. Chandler confirms that it's a sex tape, and Monica tries to calm him down, until she realizes that it's not her on the tape; then she's upset that Richard taped over her. Phoebe goes to dinner at Mike's parents place, and makes a terrible impression; but learns that Mike loves her.

罗斯意外发现,饶舌歌"Baby Got Back"是唯一能哄小爱玛发笑的办法,瑞秋起初觉得这非常离谱……



9-07 Ross逗笑了小Emma


在给Emma换完尿布后,Ross情不自禁地抱起Emma,而且总感觉爱不释手。看着她可爱的大眼睛,Ross哼起了说唱曲Baby Got Back,出人意料的是这让,Ross发现这是惟一能哄小Emma发笑的办法。当Rachel回来时,Ross迫不及待地告诉她刚才小Emma冲他笑了,可是当她得知他是如何逗笑Emma的时候,反应却是……

Ross: Guess what? I made Emma laugh today.

Rachel: (in disbelief) You WHAT? And I missed it? Because I was giving a makeover to that stupid hippie?

Ross: Yeah, and it was uhm... it was like a real little person laugh too. It was... it was like uhm... (Ross tries to impersonate Emma's laugh, but it comes out very squeaky, very high pitched. He laughs about himself but then looks at Rachel, realises that it sounded weird and straightens his face.)

Only... only not creepy.

Rachel: Well... well, what did you do to make her laugh? (excited)

Ross: I uhm... Well, I sang... (Rachel gasps) well actually I rapped... Baby

Got Back... (Rachel's face changes from excited to angry)


Ross给Emma唱的歌的歌名为Baby Got Back.歌曲大意是描绘所看到的一个女孩有魔鬼的身材,丰臀细腰,让人蠢蠢欲动。此歌属于说唱(Rap)歌曲。其演唱者Sir Mix-a-lot因此歌获得第35届格莱美奖(Grammy)(1992年)最佳Rap歌手(Best Rap Solo Performance)。


这种形式来源之一是过去电台节目主持人在介绍唱片时所用的一种快速的、押韵的行话性的语言。Rap的歌词幽默、风趣,常带讽刺性,20世纪80年代期间尤其受到黑人欢迎。最有代表性的乐队是“公开的敌人”(Public Enemy)。Rap有时也称hip-hop。实际上,hip-hop的含义更宽,泛指纽约街头文化的各种成分,除Rap外,还有:(Rap也经常采用的)用手把放在唱机转盘上的唱片前后移动,发出有节奏的刮擦声;唱片播放员(DJ)在转换唱片拼接唱片音乐片断时,听不出中断痕迹的技法;霹雳舞等等。

说唱乐的起源可以追溯到黑人音乐根源中吟咏的段落中,到了20世纪70年代说唱乐正式确立了自己的风格,其中最主要的功劳要归根于当时流行的迫斯科舞厅中的DJ们,他们将黑人当时正在风行的Funk节奏混入流行的迫斯科节奏中,并且在唱片机上反复重复同一张唱片的内容,做自己的Loops,随着那些现在广为人知和DJ们普遍应用的“打碟”法的出现,说唱开始被街头黑人文化所流传,并且衍生出相当丰富的分支,诸如西海岸说唱乐(West Coast Rap)、南部说唱乐(Southern Rap)、流行说唱乐(Pop Rap)、老派说唱乐(Old Schold)、中西部说唱乐(Midwest Rap)、拉丁说唱乐(Latin Rap)、硬核说唱乐(Hardcore Rap)、黑帮说唱乐(Gangsta Rap)、外来说唱乐(Foreign Rap)、东海岸说唱乐(East Coast Rap)、过渡说唱乐(Crossover Rap)、喜剧说唱乐(Comedy Rap)、基督教说唱乐(Christian Rap)、另类说唱乐(Alternative Rap)等等。
