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Former U.S. President Bill Clinton made a surprise visit to North Korea on Tuesday to try to win the release of two jailed U.S. journalists, a move some analysts said could mark the isolated state's return to dialogue over nuclear weapons.


Clinton's trip follows months of military provocations by the impoverished North which has turned its back on negotiations with regional powers, including the United States and China, to convince it to give up ambitions to build an atomic arsenal.


"As soon as he arrives, he will be entering negotiations with the North for the release of the female journalists," South Korea's Yonhap news agency quoted a source as saying.


The two U.S. journalists -- Euna Lee and Laura Ling, of U.S. media outlet Current TV co-founded by Clinton's vice president Al Gore -- were arrested on the North Korea-China border in March, accused of illegal entry and being "bent on slander".

两位美国记者李妍儿与凌志美是克林顿任期内的副总统戈尔开办的Current TV的驻外记者。今年三月在中朝边境被朝方逮捕,罪名是非法越境和诽谤。

Last month, a North Korean court sentenced them each to 12 years hard labor for what it called grave crimes.
