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You Will Need:

·Jeans 标准牛仔裤
·Plaid flannel shirt 彩格法兰绒衬衣
·Leather vest 皮背心
·Cowboy boots 标准牛仔靴
·Leather belt /w oversized buckle 超大皮带扣型皮带
·Bandanna 牛仔印花大方巾
·Cowboy hat 标准牛仔帽
·4-6' Length of rope 4-6寸长的绳子
·Toy pistol and holster 玩具手枪(外带手枪皮套)
·Zip ties (optional) 尼龙扣条
·Clip-on hook (optional) 随意钩
·A length of thin cord or rope (optional) 一段细线
·A toy badge or small belt buckle (optional) 玩具奖章或小型皮带扣

Step 1: Collect all the elements 所有东东准备就位

Collect all the elements and props that you'll need. If you're missing any of the items, a local toy store and/or second-hand clothing shop should have anything you need.

Step 2: Put on basic outfit 基本着装就绪

Put on the jeans, shirt, belt and vest; tie the bandannaaround your neck.

TIP: Traditionally, the bandanna is tied behind the neck for men, and in front of the neck for women.

Step 3: Don your pistol 玩具手枪+手枪皮套登场

Put on the pistol holster complete with toy pistol.

TIP: When looking for toy pistol, look for one styled as a revolver.

Step 4: Make a lasso 玩玩标准牛仔套索

Coil the rope into a lasso. Use a zip-tie to hold the coilor rope together, unless you plan to play with the rope while wearing the costume.

Step 5: Hang the lasso 不可或缺的牛仔套索

Hang the lasso from your belt using a clip-on hook, or attach it to your belt with a zip-tie.

TIP: To take your outfit over the top, make a bolo tie by clipping a length of thin cord or rope around your neck with a toy sheriff badge or belt buckle.

Step 6: Put on your hat and boots 绝对牛仔帽+牛仔靴!

Put on your hat and boots and giddy-up, ‘cause the party is a'waitin'.

NOTE: Many modern cowboys still ride horses to monitor their cattle herds, and still carry guns as protection against wild animals.