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We also have one of the favorite traditions here at the White House on display -- it's the gingerbread masterpiece by our brilliant chef Bill Yosses, and his team.

But this year we've included something a little bit different. In addition to the gingerbread White House we also have the White House Kitchen Garden on the South Lawn, a shadow box that lets you look into the gingerbread White House and view the State Dining Room. And I just saw there's also a little Bo replica. So that's a new addition.

And we opened the doors last night to the first of more than 50,000 visitors who will come to the White House during this holiday season, and it's safe to say that everyone was really impressed. And I heard you all partying last night. You had a great time.

For many people, a visit to the White House is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and it has been made even more magical because of all of your hard work, all of our volunteers. So I want to take just a moment again to thank all of our volunteers who spent so much time making this White House such a special treat, and we hope you had as good a time as it sounded like you had last night. Your work has really transformed the White House, which is, as we always say, the people's house, and we're so grateful for everything that you've done to make this really a special treat for all of us.

And finally, I want to take a moment to talk about why we chose this year's theme, which is "Reflect, Rejoice and Renew."

And for the Obama family, Christmas and the New Year has always been a time to reflect on our many blessings, to rejoice in the pleasure of spending time with our family and our friends, and to renew our commitment to one another and to the causes that we believe in. And I wanted to continue that part of the tradition during our first holiday season here at the White House.

And this year has been filled with an infinite number of blessings for me and my family. And I say this all the time, but every day I am honored to be this nation's First Lady. And from the day that my family arrived here, I have wanted the American people to share in our journey, to share in the history and the excitement that makes the White House such a special landmark in this nation.

