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And each time I visit a base or meet with members of our Armed Forces and veterans, I'm struck not just by the extraordinary sacrifices they and their family make to serve our country, but by all they do to help others right here at home in their own communities.

And the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program is a great example of how servicemen and women are doing even more than just serving our country in uniform. For more than 62 years, Marines have distributed more than 400 million toys to more than 188 million needy children. And in 2008 alone, the program was active in 657 communities in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Marines and volunteers distributed more than 16.2 million toys that year to 7.6 million children. That was one of their best years ever.

So I'm thrilled this year that the White House staff is going to be supporting these efforts with a toy drive to help make the holidays a little brighter for children in the surrounding communities. The Toys for Tots headquarters is located outside of Marine Corps base Quantico, and I look forward to visiting there later this month to personally deliver the toys that we collect here at the White House.

So these are just two important ways that we'll be marking the holidays here at the White House. So the President and I are urging everyone to join us in these efforts, or to find some way to give back some time during this holiday season.

So on behalf of the Obama family, I wish all of you a joyous and meaningful holiday season. And it is my pleasure to introduce Toys for Tots President and CEO, Lieutenant General Pete Osman, who will provide some additional information about this year's program.

Thank you all very much.

12:10 P.M. EST