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挪用捐款? 红十字会还值得相信吗?


divert: to use money, materials, etc. for a different purpose from their original purpose 改变(资金、材料等)的用途
credibility gap: the difference between what a person says or promises and what they actually think or do 政府言行不一致;由此造成的民众不信任
local chapter: a local branch of a society, club, etc. 地方分部
embezzlement: the crime of taking money and using it illegally for own purposes 挪用,贪污
deplete: to reduce something by a large amount so that there is not enough left 耗尽;用完
jeopardize: to risk harming or destroying something/somebody 危害,损害
overhead/overheads: regular costs that you have when you are running a business or an organization, such as rent, electricity, wages, etc. 营运费用,经常性开支
401(k): 401k计划是指在美国,企业为员工设立专门的401K账户,员工每月从其工资中拿出一定比例的资金存入养老金账户,而企业一般也按一定的比例(不能超过员工存入的数额)往这一账户存入相应资金。与此同时,企业向员工提供3到4种不同的证券组合投资计划。员工可任选一种进行投资。员工退休时,可以选择一次性领取、分期领取和转为存款等方式使用。
sticky fingers: 说一个人have sticky fingers,就是说这个人is likely to steal something。
financial cushion: 这里的"财务缓冲",就是说一个企业的流动资金储备。
Charity Navigator: 慈善导航网,是美国最大的慈善团体评估机构。