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5. 否定转移及其它

I ______ he won’t come to the party.

A. hope                    B. think                   C. believe                D. suppose

此题应选A, 其余几项欠妥。这里涉及否定转移问题:

1. 当 I (We) think (believe, suppose...)之后的that从句是一个否定式句时, 通常要将否定转移到主句:

We don’t think he is wrong. 我们认为他没有错。

I don’t believe he is a thief. 我相信他不是贼。

I don’t suppose he will come. 他想他不会来。

有人认为, 以上结构若把否定放在从句上, 从语法角度看也没有错, 只是语气比较生硬, 所以人们习惯上不那样用。

2. 动词hope与上面提到的think, believe, suppose 等的用法刚好相反, 当I hope 后接一个否定的从句时, 则其否定词习惯上要放在从句上, 而不放在主句上。


正:I hope that he won’t come.

误:I don’t hope that he will come.


正:I hope she doesn’t dislike the flowers.

误:I don’t hope she dislikes the flowers.

3. 在简略的否定答语中, 也要分两种情况:

(1) 对于think, believe, suppose等, 通常有两种情况:

—Is it raining this evening? 今晚会下雨吗?

—I don’t suppose so. / I suppose not. 我看不会。

(2) 对于hope, 只有一种情况:

—Will he come? 他会来吗?

—I hope not. 我希望他不来。(误:I don’t hope so)


6. “瞎眼跛脚”, 表达习惯如何

Which is right?

A. His left eye is blind.                            B. He is blind to the left eye.

C. He is blind in the left eye.                   D. He is blind with the left eye.


英语习惯:表示“眼瞎”这一意义时, 一般不以眼睛(eye)作主语, 而是以人或动物作主语, 并在形容词blind之后用介词in / of:


正:He is blind in [of] both eyes.

误:His eyes are blind.

误:He is blind with both eyes.


正:The cat is blind in the right eye.

误:The cat’s right eye is blind.

类似地, 表示“跛脚”或“瘸脚”时, 一般不以leg, foot等作主语, 而要以人或动物作主语, 并在形容词lame后用介词in [of]:


正:The horse is lame in the left foot.

误:The horse’s left foot is lame.


正:He is lame in [of] one leg.

误:One of his legs is lame.

误:He is lame with one leg.