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11. 这些表达的词序能倒过来吗

a. The villagers supplied us with ______.

b. Both ______ are interested in such things.

A. food and drink, rich and poor              B. drink and food, rich and poor

C. food and drink, poor and rich              D. drink and food, poor and rich


关于这个问题, 要注意以下几点:

1. 某些用and连接的两个词, 与汉语顺序相反, 不要按汉语词序颠倒过来:

rich and poor 贫富

land and water 水陆

right and left 左右

north and south 南北

food and drink 饮食

food and clothing 衣食

以下各表达, 通常也不能倒过来:

now and then 不时, 时时, 不时

heart and soul 全心全意地

men and women 男女

husband and wife 夫妻

Mr and Mrs Smith 史密斯夫妇

ladies and gentlemen 各位女士, 各位先生

2. 某些用and连接的两个词, 与汉语顺序可以相同也可以相反(即词序可以颠倒过来):

day and night / night and day 日夜

old and young / young and old 老少


12. 这些形容词有比较等级吗,能受very修饰吗

a. His work is ______ perfect in every way.

b. He is a ______ complete stranger to me.

A. very, very            B. ×, ×                     C. ×, very                D. very, ×

此题应选B。其余几项都可能被误选。在英语中, 有些形容词和副词, 从词义上看, 由于它已含有“极”、“最”这样的极限意义, 所以它们习惯上不再用very修饰, 也通常没有比较等级。常见的这类词语有:

1. 形容词:total, complete, perfect, entire, utter, absolute, extreme 等。


正:He is a complete fool.

误:He is a very complete fool.


正:He is a perfect teacher.

正:He is a very good teacher.

误:He is a very perfect teacher.


正:He is a better teacher than you.

误:He is a more perfect teacher than you.

2. 副词:perfectly, completely, entirely, extremely, utterly, absolutely, totally等。


正:He did his work perfectly.

正:He did his work very well.

误:He did his work very perfectly.