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13. examination 的习惯搭配

He ______ the college entrance examinations but didn’t ______ it.

A. took, pass            B. took part in, pass C. took, cross          D. took part in, cross

此题应选A。容易误选B。关于这个问题, 考生要注意以下搭配:

1. 有的考生根据 take part in(参加某一活动)和 join(加入某一组织, 并成为其中的一成员)这一区别, 推出“参加考试”是用动词 take part in。其实按照英语习惯, “参加考试”既不用join, 也不用take part in, 而是用take:

He was ill and didn’t take the examination. 他病了, 没有参加这次考试。

Millions and millions of students take thecollege entrance examinations every year. 每年都有成千上万的学生参加高考。

2. 表示“通过考试”或“考试及格”, 英语习惯上用动词pass, 而不用cross:

He didn’t study hard, so he didn’t pass the exam. 他学习不努力, 所以考试没有及格。

3. 表示“考试不及格”或“没有通过考试”, 英语习惯上用动词fail (in), 当然也可以用pass的否定式:

He failed (in) the maths exam again. 他这次数学考试又没有及格。

About half of the students didn’t pass the exam. 这次考试中大约有一半学生没及格。


14. 这个物主代词能省去吗

When I told him the news, he smiled and shook ______ head.

A. the                      B. his                       C. a                         D. ×

此题应选B。容易误选D。因为按照汉语习惯, 通常只说“摇头”, 而不说“摇他的头”。

在汉语中, 像“我的”、“你的”这类词有时可以省略, 但在英语中, 这类相应的物主代词却通常不宜省略:


正:Put up your hands if you have any questions.

误:Put up hands if you have any questions.


正:He had his finger cut.

误:He had finger cut. (www.hxen.net)


正:He picked up his cap and left the room.

误:He picked up cap and left the room.


正:Don’t put your hands in your pockets.

误:Don’t put hands in pockets.


他来时, 我正在吃早餐。

正:When he came, I was having breakfast.

正:When he came, I was having my breakfast.

但是有时物主代词的有无, 会产生语义上的差异:

lose heart 灰心

lose one’s heart (to) 倾心于(某人), 爱上(某人)


15. 你知道人称代词的排列习惯

______ are of the same age.

A. You, he and I      B. I, you and he       C. I, he and you       D. He, I and you

此题应选A。其余都可能被误选。关于人称代词的排列, 这是一个比较复杂的问题, 有时可能根据不同的语境或说话的强调点等的不同, 而有所变化。但是作为一般的原则, 以下几点排列习惯是英语学习者要注意的:

1. 单数人称代词的排列, 通常是二、三、一:

You, he and I are all middle school students. 你, 他和我都是中学生。

They will come to see you, Jim and me off. 他们要来为你, 吉姆和我送行。