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2. 复数人称代词的排列, 通常是一、二、三:

We, you and they are all good citizens. 我们, 你们和他们都是好公民。

We, you and they can go together. 我们, 你们和他们可以一起去。

3. 第三人称单数男女并排时, 通常是男先女后:

Nobody wanted to go except him and her. 除了他和她外, 没有一个人想去。

4. 当要承担责任或涉及不好事件时, 通常是一、三、二:

I, he and you will be punished for doing that. 我, 他和你都要因做这事而受惩罚。

I, he and you made the mistakes. 这些错误是我, 他和你犯下的。


16. “名词+to do”还是名词+of doing”

a. He is in danger ______ his life.

b. You should have the courage ____ that you are wrong.

A. to lose, to say      B. of losing, of saying

C. to lose, of saying D. of losing, to say


英语中有些名词, 当要后接动词, 表示“……的”这样的意思时, 按照各词的搭配习惯, 有的名词后要接不定式, 有的名词后要接of+动名词, 而有的则用两种结构都可以。

1. 通常可接不定式(作定语)的名词有:time(时间), wish

(想法), courage(勇气), decision(决定), ambition(雄心)等:

It’s time to go to bed. 是睡觉的时候了。

I have no wish to go. 我不想去。

2. 通常可接of+动名词(作定语)的名词有:habit(习惯), idea(想法), hope(希望), danger(危险), possibility(可能性)等:

I have no hope of going. 我没有去的希望。

He has the habit of smoking. 他有吸烟的习惯。

3. 可接以上两种结构的名词有:chance(机会), right(权利), way(方法), opportunity(机会), intention(意图)等:


正:This is the best way to do it.

正:This is the best way of doing it.


正:I wish to have a chance to go abroad.

正:I wish to have a chance of going abroad.


17. 能说marry with sb

a. She married ______ a pop singer.

b. She was married ______ a pop singer.

A. ×, to                    B. to, ×                    C. with, with            D. with, to


有的考生认为, 按汉语意思“她同某人结婚”, 英语就应该用介词with。

其实英语中的marry是一个及物动词, 它的意思就是“同……结婚”, 所以要表示“同某人结婚”, 通常只用marry sb即可, 无需使用任何介词:

He married a nurse. 他同一个护士结了婚。

She married her teacher. 她同她的老师结了婚。


1. be married to sb 同某人结婚(要用介词to, 但仍不能按汉语意思用介词with):

He was married to his cousin. 他同他表妹结了婚。

She was married to an American professor. 她同一位美国教授结了婚。

2. get married to sb 同某人结婚(要用介词to, 但仍不能按汉语意思用介词with):

He got married to my sister. 他同我姐姐结了婚。

When did he get married to her? 他是什么时候同她结的婚?

以上两结构的差别在于:be married (to) 侧重于状态, 可以持续;而get married (to) 侧重于动作, 不能持续:

He has been married [不用 got married] for sevenyears. 他结婚七年了。