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7. 能按汉语直译我工作忙

—Can you go with us?

—I’m afraid not. ______ too busy.

A. My work is          B. My study is          C. My things are      D. I’m


按照汉语习惯, 我们经常说:我工作很忙, 我的事很忙, 我的学习很忙等, 但是在英美人看来, “忙”的不是“工作”或“学习”等, 而是“人”, 即是“人”忙, 所以要表示以上意思, 按照英语的习惯只需说 I’m busy. 就行了, 若非要具体表明是忙于做某事, 则可用类似以下这样的表达:

I’m busy with [at, over] my work. 我工作很忙。

He’s busy preparing for it. 他在忙于为此作准备。



正:I’m healthy. / I’m in good health. / I’m well.

误:My body is good. / My body is healthy.


正:Where does he teach?

误:Where does he teach books?


正:Who teaches you English?

误:Who teaches your English?


正:The eggs are expensive.

正:The price of eggs is high.

误:The price of eggs is expensive.


8. “看书不能用look at

a. I’ve ______ your book with pleasure.

b. Students must not ______ their books while having an exam.

A. read, read            B. looked at, looked at

C. read, looked at    D. looked at, read

此题应选C。容易误选A, 这要从英语对“读书”和“看书”的表达习惯说起:

汉语的“看书”和“读书”, 其实有两层含义:

1. 指阅读性地“看书”或“读书”, 此时一般是用动词read:

He has read through all these books. 他已通读了所有这些书。

When I entered, he was reading a book. 我进来时他正在看书。

I’ve read your book with pleasure. 我已高兴地拜读了你的大作。

2. 不指阅读性地“看书”, 而只是大概地看一看, 比如看看书的封面、定价、内容提要等, 或者回答问题时看看书的某些章节或字句等, 或者是考试时偷看书本等, 此时通常用look at, see等:

Can I look at those books? 我可以看看那些书吗?

He demanded to see my books. 他要求看看我的书。

Please answer my questions without looking atyour books. 请不看书回答我的问题。

Students must not look at their books duringexaminations. 学生考试不准看书。