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21. -It looks heavy. Can I give you a hand?

-___________. (2009全国卷I)

A. No, thanks     B. Yes, my pleasure C. No, never mind         D. Yes, I do



【解析】比较四个选项,只有No, thanks(不用,谢谢)与前面一句相吻合,其余三个选项为答非所问。

22. Let’s go to _________ cinema—that’ll take your mind off the problem for _________ while. (2009全国卷I)

A. the; the          B. the; a                 C. a; the               D. a; a



【解析】go to the cinema为惯用表达,其意为“去看电影”;for a while也是惯用搭配,其意为“一会儿”。如:He loves to go to the cinema and loves her to go with him. 他喜欢去电影,并且喜欢邀她一起去。

23. How much _________ she looked without her glasses! (2009全国卷I)

A. well                 B. good                  C. best                 D. better




24. Could I speak to _________ is in charge of International Sales please? (2009全国卷I)

A. who                 B. what                  C. whoever         D. whatever



【解析】whoever在此相当于the person who。句意为:请找一下负责国际贸易的人接电话好吗?又如:You’re responsible to whoever is in charge of sales. 你要向主管销售的人负责。

25. What do you mean, there are only ten tickets? There _________ be twelve. (2009全国卷I)

A. should           B. would                C. will                    D. shall




26. His sister left home in 1998, and _________ since. (2009全国卷I)

A. had not been heard of               B. has not been heard of

C. had not heard of                         D. has not heard of



【解析】B。根据句末的副词since可知,句子应用现在完成时,故可排除选项A和C;再根据his sister和谓语hear of之间的动宾关系,可确定答案为B。句意为:他妹妹1998年离家后再也没有消息。

27. I tried phoning her office, but I couldn’t ________.(2009全国卷I)

A. get along       B. get on               C. get to               D. get through



【解析】对于考查特定语境中词语用法的考题,最好的方法是代入翻译法,即将四个选项分别代入句中再翻译原句,哪个选项使原句最通顺,哪个选项就是最佳答案。四个选项的意思分别为:get along意为“相处,进展,过生活”;get on意为“相处,进步,过生活”;get to意为“到达”;get through意为“接通(电话),到达(某地),通过(测试)”。根据句意,只有D最合适。get through在此表示“接通电话”。又如:Did you get through your driving test? 你的驾驶测验通过了吗?

28. She brought with her three friends, none of _________ I had ever met before. (2009全国卷I)

A. them               B. who                   C. whom              D. these



【解析】由于两个句子之间没有并列连词,所以不能选A或D;又因为是用于介词of之后作宾语,所以要用宾格whom,不用who。句意为:她带来了三个朋友,我以前一个也没有见过。又如:The lorry crashed into a queue of people, several of whom had to have hospital treatment.  卡车冲进了一队人之中,其中有几个不得不住院治疗。