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    在英语中,great一词的基本意思是“巨大,很多,伟大”。在实际中,它的使用面很广,词语搭配率很高,常常蕴含着较为广博深远的意义。      如:He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom.



      再譬如,有一段描写钓鱼的情景:I popped the fly away from the fish and he fell back with a great splash. (我抽开蝇饵,大鱼浪花四溅 地跌回水里。)在这儿,great splash 译为“浪花四溅”,确实是一个十分形象的描述。它把这种意境还原得非常逼真得体,使读者有一种亲临其境的感觉。



      1. There was at first great opposition. The young men were angry at the idea of corrupting the race.

      2. But a great book, rich in ideas and beauty, a book that raises and tries to answer great fundamental questions, demands the most active reading of which you are capable.

      3. A lot of naked animals who attach such great importance to staying alive that they claw their neighbors to death just for the privilege.

      4. This extraordinary man called Mahatma(“Great Soul”)and his great disciple and chosen successor, Nehru, absolutely baffled the colonial governors. (Mahatma 甘地, Nehru 尼赫鲁)


 1. 这件事情最初遭到了激烈的反对,青年男子都很气愤,认为这样会败坏他们的种族。

2. 一部伟大的著作,要有丰富的思想内涵,精美的文字语言,而且试图提出并回答根本性的重大问题,要求读者在阅读过程中进行积极有效的思维。

3. 一些赤裸裸的畜牲,把自己的身价性命看得那么重,为了能够活下去,可以把自己的邻居活活弄死。

4. 这位尊称为圣雄 的非常人物和他的杰出弟子,选定的继承人尼赫鲁,把殖民地统治者难住了。